Waiting for report/outcome


I had my ADOS-2 appointment yesterday and just wanted some advice on what others have done while waiting for the results, which could be up to 2 weeks. I appreciate that might not seem like a long time, but I'm driving myself to distraction worrying about the outcome and how it went yesterday. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! And likewise, how I can prepare myself in case it's a negative diagnosis as I'm worried how I'll react to that news if it's the case. 

Thank you! 

  • Oh I remember waiting for mine, seemed like an eternity! I waited over 8 weeks! It was pure torture not knowing. I kept hassling them, I even when down to the clinic in person cause I was just so anxious, eventually even though they hadn’t finished the full report, which I didn’t get till 6 months later, they were able to fit me in and essentially put me out my misery by confirming the diagnosis of ASD. 
    My advice is just to hang in there, you’ve probably waited months and months for an initial appointment, a few weeks more and you’ll have your answer. I know it’s easier said than done, but try remember it’s out of your control now and no amount of worrying will affect the outcome. 
    sorry if this wasn’t very helpful but wanted to at least try.

  • Thank you - that has been helpful. I think I'll just need constant reminders to tell myself to stop worrying as it won't affect the outcome and that I'll also get the answer soon enough. Just have to accept that it's out of my control. Equally though, I feel like I need to think it through and prepare myself for it is a negative diagnosis.

    I'll be reading this back in five minutes to remind myself! 

  • Thank you - that has been helpful. I think I'll just need constant reminders to tell myself to stop worrying as it won't affect the outcome and that I'll also get the answer soon enough. Just have to accept that it's out of my control. Equally though, I feel like I need to think it through and prepare myself for it is a negative diagnosis.

    I'll be reading this back in five minutes to remind myself! 

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