How many of you also have ADHD?

How many of you went for an autism assessment and advised to also get assessed for ADHD?

This was written in my report for autism:

"The results of this assessment are consistent with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder – with significant traits of ADHD."

Elsewhere it said:

"... traits of ADHD were observed during this assessment process, such as, marked restless, inability to maintain activities, poor organisation, and avoiding tasks requiring sustained mental effort. Therefore, the clinician recommends for R to discuss this matter with her GP, for a referral an assessment for an ADHD diagnosis to be considered. This will determine if she meets the criteria, thereby receive the relevant support."

So I have now asked for an assessment for ADHD.

  • Autism and ADHD are linked. See

    We have loads of similar traits due to how we develop.

    If stimulants make you feel calm, and no amount of the right perspective sorts out random bursts of mood changes and random bursts of energy, you're ADHD.

    If you have difficulty communicating, accessing words and working out what's happening in the social collective you're Autistic. 

    Both can have difficulty with Executive function, be stuck in the moment, sense everything-all-at-once, easily hyper-focus.

    Both have biological stress-induced anxiety and difficulty with focus and difficulty shutting down unresolved looping thoughts, which can keep us up all hours (this is an issue with low GABA found in both, as per a great deal of medical findings - anything which promotes this should help).

  • This meme isn't representative of either.

    Autism and ADHD are similar neurotypes differing only slightly. Autism is a communication/social difference. ADHD is like living in a faster plane of reality.

    Both are heavier Right Brain, thus better connected to a sense of Eternal and being-in-the moment rather than the Left lobe chronology time stream. "Time blindness" was one researchers in ability to check these differences. 

    ADHD will feel a sense of calm or ease with stimulants. 

    Both experience Stress related Anxiety, but ADHD will also have a social anxiety as they tend to speak both Autistic and NT. Both can be hyper-sensory and easily hyper-focused but Autism tends to have a small percent who are hypo-sensory, though this is still being researched.

    Both catch detail, but ADHD catch all the social implications as well. 

    If you want to succeed, pair up with an ADHD'r. They'll be driven to start a ton of things which the Autistic will be driven to finish.

  • I was diagnosed with autism & adhd last December. After my autism assesment I was advised to have one for adhd too.

    im glad I did as I has helped me to understand mysejf, just a struggle to find other people who get it.

    can anyone else relate? 

  • I am currently seeking a ADHD diagnosis!

    I was diagnosed with Autism just over a year ago, and I didn't really know anything about ADHD, but since my diagnosis a whole new world is opening up.

  • I also have ADHD. My psychiatrist first told me that it my ADHD traits might be because of my autism and some symptoms overlap each other. But he gave me an ADHD questionnaire and it eventually was ADHD and not just traits. I have problems with organizing tasks, hyperactivity, "out of sight, out of mind", executive dysfunction, etc.

    To be honest, both diagnosis finally helped me realize what's really happening to me. I hope the same happens for you too, whether you have adhd or not, it's still an important information! 

    Good luck Four leaf clover

  • My psychiatrist told me 'he is glad to I have my ADHD assessment booked for June as he can definitely see the ADHD in me' 

  • I was looking at this topic online yesterday. It seems like some of the symptom list is the reverse of Autism. I find it quite difficult to interpret some of the symptoms. Like a symptom such as "having a short attention span and being easily distracted" taken from the NHS website. In things I am interested in I can be very focused, but in those I have had little interest in I would have met that as a child as well, especially in subjects I was not taking. Generally I would say if I do have some traits I could live with it and nobody has ever mentioned it to me unlike has been the case with Autism.. I am still learning about my Autism  diagnosis in 2022 even though I had been treated that way informally since 2015.

  • I don't think it was mentioned, but I don't think I have it.

  • Same happened to me, I was told they were fairly sure I was ADHD too. since diagnosis Ive toyed with looking at an ADHD diagnosis. They said at the time I should wait and settle into understanding my autism first though.

    Conversely, I keep finding more "autistic" reasons for the symptoms they called out. My PDA and autistic inertia along with others can account for what appears to be me not engaging or finding it hard to stay in topic. Equally monotropism and obsessive traits play into it too.

    Still not sure to be honest. There's a lot to soak up and understand after being diagnosed, I'm 3.5 month post diagnosis now and still looking back at my 49 years of life,  forming different opinions on things that happened now I understand autism more.

  • A largish tad, yes, but....

    I am adverse to being considered not right in the head.

    There's enough of that already going 'round.

    I just try to incorporate it into my paradigm as my very own normal.

  • How many of you went for an autism assessment and advised to also get assessed for ADHD?

    There are a LOT of ovelapping traits between autism and ADHD

    I suspect you would only get referred if you showed a number of the traits that are only in the left part of the ADHD baloon.

    There are about 2% of the population with autism and 10% with ADHD - between 40 and 70% of autists also have ADHD:
