Possible PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) ?

I attended a zoom group this morning and came across PDA , which is a new one for me as nobody really talks about it even though it affects so many people. I am aware that you can have this form of Autism , but it is super hard to get diagnosed. I just wanted to see how it affects you , the traits etc on a deeper level. When it was being discussed I suddenly had a lightbulb moment and now i'm addiment my brother has it so wanted to dive into it further. Would be super grateful for any advice on this matter,

Kind regards Amy 

  • I am aware that you can have this form of Autism , but it is super hard to get diagnosed

    It will help to clarify the terminology for these discussions I think,

    PDA is an trait often associated with neurodiversity (of which autism and ADHD are subsets). You can have this trait without being neurodivergent, but it is an indicator.

    Autism is a classification used when people have a sufficient number of neurodivergent traits (under the general banner of autism) at a severe enough level that it is considered a disability.

    Many more people exhibit some neurodivergent traits but are not "severe" enough to qualify with the full diagnosis.

    PDA is a trait shared with autism and ADHD and you an also be both autistic and ADHD.

    This is all just labels however - once you identify the trait then the focus should be on how to minimise its impact for you.

    There has been a lot of chat on here about PDA - have a look on the RELATED section to the right of the screen and you will see a bunch of posts about it. Using the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen (to the left of the pink Donate button) will let you do a more detailed search.

  • I am aware that you can have this form of Autism , but it is super hard to get diagnosed

    It will help to clarify the terminology for these discussions I think,

    PDA is an trait often associated with neurodiversity (of which autism and ADHD are subsets). You can have this trait without being neurodivergent, but it is an indicator.

    Autism is a classification used when people have a sufficient number of neurodivergent traits (under the general banner of autism) at a severe enough level that it is considered a disability.

    Many more people exhibit some neurodivergent traits but are not "severe" enough to qualify with the full diagnosis.

    PDA is a trait shared with autism and ADHD and you an also be both autistic and ADHD.

    This is all just labels however - once you identify the trait then the focus should be on how to minimise its impact for you.

    There has been a lot of chat on here about PDA - have a look on the RELATED section to the right of the screen and you will see a bunch of posts about it. Using the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen (to the left of the pink Donate button) will let you do a more detailed search.

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