Relationship with an autistic guy


I’m in a relationship with an autistic male and recently I’ve had difficulties understanding his behavior. Unfortunately we don’t live in the same place so we cannot see each other often but we chat. However up until 4 days ago he’s been very present and nice. Now he’s ignoring me. He sends me his good morning and then nothing else. He doesn’t even read my messages. I’ve asked him if he still likes me and he has always said yes. I really like him and I told him. I have asked if I had done something wrong and his answer was I need to sleep.

I’m very stressed and said about this. I’m trying to give him space but I need to know if I’m the problem. I’d like to let him know I’m still here for him, but I don’t know how to convey that.

I’ve reading a lot about autism so I can try to understand his mind a little bit.

I know that there’s a chance his not fine at the moment but I also know that he was interacting in other social media and again not sure what to make of it.

I’m really desperate for help now.

Thanks and sorry for the venting moment but I feel very alone on this right now

  • My wife sometimes goes on holiday with her sister, she phones me most nights, for her it’s a bit like visiting someone in hospital, after “how are you?” the conversation is at an end. She will ask me what I’ve done that day. The conversations are often like ‘pulling teeth’, autistic people often just don’t need to communicate as much, don’t read to much into your friends behaviour, something new for an autistic person can often be very consuming, sometimes it’s like a switch has been switched off. It doesn’t mean your friend has lost interest, it’s just he has become more accepting of you.

  • that's exactly what I meant to convey

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