New job

What is everyone's opinion on telling your employer that you are Autistic?

If you have told them, how did you tell them? And what did they do to try and support you?

If you haven't told them, is there a reason why?

I am starting a new job in just over a weeks time and am trying to prepare. I am thinking I want to tell them so they can support me but I am unsure how.
It would be good to hear what other people have done... 

  • I initially just told the two senior Directors, as I was having trouble coping shortly after I started my current job. I then confided in the two colleagues I was closest to, and now 9 years on everyone where I work knows. 

    I understand it's a difficult decision. Part of me worried that I would be treated differently, and part of me thought they wouldn't really believe me. But as far as I'm aware, neither has happened. It was understood that I might not cope with change easily and might get overloaded, so help was offered if my workload started increasing.

    I managed to cope in a large open plan office until just over a year ago, when I asked if I could be moved as sensory issues became a bit too much. Thankfully, a reorganisation was being planned and people were being moved, and I am now in a small quiet office where I have control of temperature and lighting. Adjustments aren't always possible, but it doesn't hurt to ask, and requests should at least be considered.

    Good luck with your new job.