High Functioning

Is What does this actally mean in practice, not the dictionary definition, but for those of us so labelled? Although no ones ever told me I'm high functioning, I guess I am.

Is it a helpful term or unhelpful?

Does it express our experiences properly or reflect away from them?

Is this a term more helpful to NT's than us?

Personally I find the term a bit insulting as well as divisive and dismissive.

  • I was born decades before there were terms like 'gifted and disabled'/'2e'. There was no help for people like me back then. It took over 40 years as a psych patient  for it to be seen that I had genuine difficulties, and wasn't just a passive aggressive obstructionist with a huge character defect. Years in which I was seen in a bad light because I deviated from the uniformity of performance that was expected/demanded. Years when criticism was seen as a suitable proxy for much needed help and support.

    It took moving to be near my  daughter and her liaising with mental health services, before I moved, for damaging inaccuracies to be kicked into the long grass. By then,I was 60, so much damage had been done that realistically was irreversible. I don't expect my mental health team to be able to make everything as it could/should've been. That would be unfair. I'm just glad that in the nearly 7 years I've been here I've been treated with decency and respect. No animosity. No exchange of angry words. A huge difference to how things were where I lived before.

    I get great and much appreciated help and support from my 'chosen family', as I call them.Unfortunately not all health professionals where I live now are of the same quality as my mental health team. I had 7 weeks with a broken femur before an x ray revealed it. That was because the immense pain was dismissed as 'psychological' by paramedics and a GP.  Why? Because it had to be 'psychological' due to my having  autism and schizoaffective diagnoses. 29 months after a hip replacement I still get pain after a bad night's sleep,or if I'm upright-moving or static for too long .I'll never be able to go outside for a walk on my own again whether unaided or using a stroller. It's not worth the risk given the premature osteoporosis that I have.

    What all that boils down to is that I'm mixed functioning . I  find it easier to do a high range IQ test than to coordinate my brain to keep my flat clean and tidy, or other daily living tasks that most take in their stride.

  • I was born decades before there were terms like 'gifted and disabled'/'2e'. There was no help for people like me back then. It took over 40 years as a psych patient  for it to be seen that I had genuine difficulties, and wasn't just a passive aggressive obstructionist with a huge character defect. Years in which I was seen in a bad light because I deviated from the uniformity of performance that was expected/demanded. Years when criticism was seen as a suitable proxy for much needed help and support.

    It took moving to be near my  daughter and her liaising with mental health services, before I moved, for damaging inaccuracies to be kicked into the long grass. By then,I was 60, so much damage had been done that realistically was irreversible. I don't expect my mental health team to be able to make everything as it could/should've been. That would be unfair. I'm just glad that in the nearly 7 years I've been here I've been treated with decency and respect. No animosity. No exchange of angry words. A huge difference to how things were where I lived before.

    I get great and much appreciated help and support from my 'chosen family', as I call them.Unfortunately not all health professionals where I live now are of the same quality as my mental health team. I had 7 weeks with a broken femur before an x ray revealed it. That was because the immense pain was dismissed as 'psychological' by paramedics and a GP.  Why? Because it had to be 'psychological' due to my having  autism and schizoaffective diagnoses. 29 months after a hip replacement I still get pain after a bad night's sleep,or if I'm upright-moving or static for too long .I'll never be able to go outside for a walk on my own again whether unaided or using a stroller. It's not worth the risk given the premature osteoporosis that I have.

    What all that boils down to is that I'm mixed functioning . I  find it easier to do a high range IQ test than to coordinate my brain to keep my flat clean and tidy, or other daily living tasks that most take in their stride.
