High Functioning

Is What does this actally mean in practice, not the dictionary definition, but for those of us so labelled? Although no ones ever told me I'm high functioning, I guess I am.

Is it a helpful term or unhelpful?

Does it express our experiences properly or reflect away from them?

Is this a term more helpful to NT's than us?

Personally I find the term a bit insulting as well as divisive and dismissive.

  • I think it’s a legacy of the idea that we are on a linear spectrum with profoundly disabled people at one end and super geniuses at the other.

    It would be great if we could normalise the understanding that we have spiky profiles and might indeed be a super genius but also completely incapable of doing basic things like talking or managing a home.

  • I think it’s a legacy of the idea that we are on a linear spectrum with profoundly disabled people at one end and super geniuses at the other.

    It would be great if we could normalise the understanding that we have spiky profiles and might indeed be a super genius but also completely incapable of doing basic things like talking or managing a home.

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