University didn’t work out

Hi, joined this website because I’m officially lost in life.

I’ve spent 2 years on 3 separate university courses ( illustration, game art, designer maker ) and neither of them clicked, I’m out of UCAS funding to find another potential course and complete the 3 years for a BA degree.

I feel lost- being in education has been a huge part of my life and routine, so suddenly living with my parents and being both out of work and education feels like such a blow to my ego, I’m not sure what the next steps for me are?

I’m 21, autistic and specialise mostly in art, but studied advertising, psychology and history- does anyone have any advice for what I should do next? I can’t seem to find any job availabilities and when I do I can never make the interview land right, any help?

  • What an insight, at 21, well done, keep up the good work. You didn't fail to get a degree, you left the studies half way. its boredom to do the Uni work, I am certain you have the brain for it, maybe they didnt motivate you.

    But dont say that "old bum" thing and laugh, because in the end, you will believe it.

    Very sad post the whole thing with you. I think you need someone to tell you to grow up. But since you wont listen anyway, life will take care of that when you hit 40. And its going to be really soon.

  • These kinds of post's really confuse me. I am sure everyone is happy to help you, but you start with a Uni disaster which gained you nothing other than a bill to pay for life, and you go saying you dont need a serious job, then you talk about being rejected for qualifications and lack of experience. Those two dont go together. The job you say you want on the side to be relaxed and not serious, while you are already self employed and selling art, does not require qualifications or experience.

    I am sorry to be brutally honest with you, I see this all the time with 21 year old people. You just dont know what you want, hence you blew Uni.

    If anyone asks for your disability, I doubt they reject you based on that, you are certainly high functioning. Don't discriminate your own self.

    Sorry for the brutal truth, not an excuse but its a trait of mine.

  • Totally misunderstood you. Your problem is not even a problem. Go to a JobCentre, they will give you EXACTLY that kind of job you're after. If you want to speed it up, go to your nearest grocery store, tell them you want a job. You'll be fine. With all that in mind, yes, Uni was a waste of time, as you have it all figured out. So stick with your art and chip in with a boring job, until you make it big of course.

  • Ooh potentially, I only really need a simple boring job since I am self employed on the side selling artwork- it’s just nailing the interviews, they all usually ask if I’m disabled towards the end and it feels a bit embarrassing that they can notice, tells me right away I’m not getting the job : 0

  • Thank you, this is true, I haven’t been searching for that long but felt overwhelmingly defeated by the amount of easy low pay starter positions requiring a lot of experience and expensive qualifications… this comments reminded me not to give up so quickly, thank you : )

  • Ahh I wasn’t even able to get a degree so I’m kinda just a plain old bum now haha

  • Oh this does actually sound interesting, I was considering counselling at some point since a lot of people seem to trust me really quickly and intently with things “they’ve never told anyone else” so… I might as well start getting paid for it : 0

    i didn’t know there was a weird little legal loophole with the term, that’s so odd

  • Ooh possibly, my teachers did mention that networking was a very big factor of getting a job in the art industry so I’ll give them a shout : ) thank you

  • Welcome to my life, since I was your age.

    I now classify myself as a 'Bum with a Degree'. It was my family's money which kept me on my feet. Now, I want to protect what I have. Difficult, given inflation.

  • You mentioned you studied psychology. You may or may not have had a module on Listening skills, the Counselling basic stuff. If you didnt, you can go through that with few books in few days really, as you Psychology background will make all easier.

    Here's the part you may be interested.

    Counselling, in the UK is NOT a protected profession. That means, ANYONE can start taking clients and counsel them. Ridiculous it may sound, its true, The Law says it is up to the client to find out whether the Counsellor has or what qualifications they have.

    Read here below the protected titles:

    As you may know, Counselling requires you to say very little, mostly reflect to the client, never actually advise, at worst to suggest them to get support from somewhere else for their problems (ie Citizen advice), so you dont have to worry you need to be understood or give the wrong advice etc. Of course, you dan target certain groups you feel more comfortable with, ie Bullied Children.

    If you feel, it would be a good job, to be a Counsellor, all you need is a space, such as you living room, print your cards and put your name and mobile, maybe with a fancy name "Humanistic Counselling" (how original...), a few A4 at the postoffice and few good places around the town, put the fee at an introductory £30 per hour, and start doing it. 

    On top of all that, you only need to let HMRC know you take money after you pocket £1000 in the current Physical year. So you can trial it and decide it it worth going Self Employed.

  • ahhh yeah thats the hard part.... there is no jobs in the uk anyway, all you have is services, basic warehousing and so on for service based companies.

    the uk produces nothing.... with that in mind, if you wish to do anything of value, that produces anything... given the uk produces nothing... its up to people to set up any production.... so in that case youd have to go self employed with a idea to produce something.... bearing in mind we dont produce anything because we import things so cheaply that it destroyed our own markets.... although with brexit adding customs charges soon which will make imports expensive maybe local people can start producing things again competatively? 

    all depends what you wanna do though.
    for a secure employed basic job, the only real hope is agency work and accepting boring basic warehousing jobs. it usually doesnt require interviews... and you can perhaps just do that to raise capital to create your own self employment maybe?

  • You must have been talented in art to get into those university programs in the first place. I'm not sure what made university not click for you, but you just need to keep trying in the job market. I mean, being rejected for jobs is not the best feeling, but employers are also trying to find the right employee that "clicks" for them,  just like how you were trying to find the right program that "clicks" for you. Hopefully the right employer will hire you one day. 

  • Welcome! I'm sorry you're feeling lost. 

    I'm guessing you would say art is what you really enjoy, but you're probably open to other avenues? I wish I had an answer (as I've been out of work for a while) but do you have any contacts from university who might be able to help?