Verbal shutdown (Can’t talk)

If you have verbal shutdowns (periods where you can’t talk)

How do you deal with them?

What works best for you?

How do you manage them at work? (if you work)

I have been referred to occupational health who recommend that I ask my GP to refer me to speech and language.

  • Speaking to animals or objects can be ‘easier’ than speaking to people- e.g. pspsps-ing at a cat is a much easier starting point imo than “hello how are you”. This can even work with pigeons in the park. It might work with non-living objects although I personally find animals much easier! That being said I don’t experience these much, especially not anymore, so my apologies if my idea won’t work. As LegoBear says, these are an important signpost that you’re getting overwhelmed so it’s important not to ignore them- my suggestion is a bit of a ‘push’ but it’s important to then take off the pressure in another way to prevent burnout/meltdown.

  • I struggle with these a lot. I can often use my phone to type. I can sometimes mask it but when it has occurred at work I've been sent home - I am in a highly verbal job. 

    Speech and language referral I've never heard of for this and it is an interesting idea. My fear is it would be masking. Shutdowns are vital for autistic wellbeing as they protect us from overload. They are our body's way of saying I need a rest. If you ignore them like I have been you could end up in burnout. 

    This is all based on opinion so please feel free to ignore it!