Autism Spectrum Disorder or Austism Spectrum Condition?

Hi Everyone.

I have a question which I would like to start a discussion on and I will give my answer and my reason why I gave that answer.

Would you like the term "Autism Spectrum Disorder" to be changed to "Autism Spectrum Condition"?

The reason I ask that question is because it is a known fact that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition and as such, the word "Disorder" I don't think should be used to describe the Autism Spectrum Condition. The term disorder refers to something that is not in the order that people like to accept as being in order because it is different.

Each of us are indiviuals with different biological, chemical and DNA makeups which makes us individuals and autism like ADHD etc. is a neurological condition which simply means our brains and nervous systems are wired differently to others that people refer to as normal. What is normal for one individual is not necersarily normal for the next individual because they have different requirements and needs.

Do you agree with me and do you feel the same way?

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