Sorry, its all my fault

The latest batch of cold and wet weather, I successfully bought a new pair of sandals, now it's to cold and wet to wear them.

See I told you it was my fault!

  • Same with me my mum used to say take an umbrella with you to take the rain away then she would embarrass me by putting the same rain coat on as me saying we could be twins if it was raining. I miss her 3 years the end of May it will be now she was 66 years old and I was only 29. 

  • Same with me my mum used to say take an umbrella with you to take the rain away then she would embarrass me by putting the same rain coat on as me saying we could be twins if it was raining. I miss her 3 years the end of May it will be now she was 66 years old and I was only 29. 
