My social worker asked me to join a walking club

We went there yesterday and it was all retired people except for one other man who was going for the first time and also, I think, someone with mental health issues, though unlike myself, he didn't come across as Autistic.

Some of the people there were very nice, I however felt very stilted in their company, as I do generally with most people. I felt a dislike for myself because I was struggling to smile at people and think of anything to say and couldn't decide where to look or who to look at and felt awkward.

I don't think I'll go again, the main reason people go is to talk and be friendly which is what I also wanted to be a part of but I felt utterly like a fish out of water. I feel a little upset because my social worker helped set that group up and seemed convinced going there would be good for me as there would be no women I could fall in love with (his words) and he thought nobody there would pose a risk to me.

The thing I find most difficult about social clubs is I tend to want to talk about things specifically, such as what I'm interested in or have been thinking about, and others there are spontaneous and talking about, for example, a coot that was spotted nesting under a water fountain and a swan that was pecking at a dog, neither of which I found very interesting, but were both a source of amusement to others in the group. This left me feeling mean towards the others as I simply wasn't interested and also bored.

  • Yes, I thought that scenery looked fantastic too.  Maybe the walking group you took part in might do different types of walks sometimes as well - might be worth asking about it to find out?

    I wondered: depending on your own particular interests - might you perhaps have a t-shirt, or a bag with a design hinting at the theme, or a lapel badge, or a hat which might offer some hints about your interest? 

    You might find the older members of the walking group are pretty observant about things like that and ask you about it / show an interest - they might be a curious bunch as yet to be discovered.  (Older people are offten well used to starting off a conversation with people too - so you would probably not have to do all the work trying to start the talking going). 

    Social conversations are not my strong point - so I sometimes think about to myself: "what about this topic (of my interest) would fit easily written on a postcard?" - I try thinking about a potential conversation that way and then see if anyone picks up the other side of the potential conversation.  No takers?  Never mind, I try selecting a completely different "would fit on a postcard" mini-topic a bit later on.

    When I am in the company of people older than myself; I find it interesting to think about what varied lives they are likely to have experienced so far.  I like to learn some tips from people older than me - they can surprise you with the breadth of their own interests / knowledge / skills too.

    I don't find it comfortable trying to walk and talk with people - so I am perhaps more likely to save my "conversation energy" for over the coffee / tea break if there might be one.

    My suspicion is that I am not very likely to particularly notice a person's age - I subscribe to the idea of "the only age that matters is the one between the ears ...not what it says on their ID".  By that I mean, I am likely to perceive people by how their outlook seems to me (the age of their character in their own brain, what they seem / sound like they think about, what they are passionate about, what keeps them curious about the World, how generous of spirit are they inclined to be towards other people). 

    I don't find it easy to estimate somebody's age if people ask me that about someone.  Maybe that is just my own quirk - but it does mean that e.g. in a workplace - I am more open to being part of supporting a "trainee" colleague developing and then graduating into the "experienced person" in a Team - more so than some colleagues might sometimes seem to be - so I don't think my "judge the age bewteen the ears" approach can be such a bad idea after all.

    ...if you were to join that walking group again, for another try to see what one or more of them might have to offer to the experience of that outing; perhaps they might warm up further to you and find out more about what interests you (as a relativel new person in the group) and try to match up with something more than ...the more simple observations.. 

    I think sometimes, when people use the "look at that (bird etc.)" chit-chat or "social small talk" ...that might be them just being a bit nervous or self-conscious about feeling some pressure on themselves - wanting to say "something" rather than - not much at all - around a new person joining a group.  It might be worth another visit with that walking group.  They might pleasantly surprise you yet.   

  • I think this is a little bit of a sad thing that well meaning people who don't have ASD suggest.  I understand a lot of people see exercise and social interaction as important, but these things only really work if you feel a part of a "tribe".

    Someone said that to me recently about finding a "tribe" and it resounded quite a lot.  The idea of being surrounded by people who think like you, are motivated and interested in things that you do, that sense of belonging and being a part of something is so important.  My own thoughts is that when you are ASD you are automatically in a minority.  The way that "we" think (ASD) tends not to be the same as neurotypical, so it's even harder finding our tribe.

    Do you have something which you like more than anything else?

    Walking is Ok, I don't mind walking, but for a social group I think I would want to have something more interesting to be a part of.

    My opinion (and it's only that) is to keep going to the walking group for the moment.  I agree seeing a ***orange-tipped wobbler lark hawk*** isn't going to rock your world.  Getting a little exercise, chatting about anything, might just start a conversation you were interested in.

    For me I really like horror films, I know not for everyone, but if one day I happened to mention I watched The Wicker Man last night, and someone pipped up and said "OH! I love the Wicker Man!" then we'd probably be best friends after that Grin

    It takes time to know new people.

    If there is a local group that does interest you?

    Is there a place (like a community café, or pub) which might put on a special night that does interest you?

  • No distractions, I imagine, although a strange thing to say regardless. 

  • How is there being no women you could fall in love with a good thing!?

  • I'm not sure really, maybe. All I know for sure is most are pensioners.

  • Yes and that's good it was given a try. It was a new experience, and you got through it so well done great. And it isn't like you can't do it again. Maybe you'll want to again soon, if not then at least you gave it a go. For now let things settle and see what happens and how you're feeling at a later point.

  • Are all the people iin the group there because of some kind of social prescribing, because if they are then some of them will be happy with minimal reactions.

  • The scenery looks fantastic. I'd probably enjoy a walk like that.

  • That sounds similar to my experience except we were walking in a park so it was a more urban kind of walk. I suppose we both gave it a try.

  • Are you sure? Would you enjoy talking to someone like me who doesn't find it easy to smile or laugh when you tell stories, who often just mumbles monosyllabic replies? Not that I intend to be that way, it just seems how I come across at the moment.

  • I think you're being a bit hard on yourself and them, give it another go, you don't have to talk all the time, lots of people are happy to talk and have someone to listen to them.

  • Well done on going, it's not an easy thing to do. You should be proud of yourself for doing it.

    I was part of a walking group in 2021-2022. My MH team suggested I do it. I enjoyed the walking, it was through country fields and it felt good being in the fresh air and observing the scenery and any wildlife that was around. The downside was the other people. I have social anxiety and it was unbearable, especially as people kept talking to me and asking me questions about myself. They were all so nice and friendly but it was too much so I didn't go again either.

  • I went for walks with the Yorkshire ramblers several times.  Most of them are retired, all are eccentric and they are very very fit.  It was a struggle to keep up.  The scenery on these walks was great.