Constant fatigue after going out + socialising

Does anyone else get fatigued and a headache after going out like into shops and when you've been socialising?

I get this all the time and it really puts me off from going out. I go in to it with a positive attitude as well and it makes no difference. I've been told it would make a difference but it hasn't. It's so frustrating because I just want to get on but because I went out this morning I'm now feeling extremely fatigued, dizzy and I have a headache. I don't know why this happens. It's nothing serious, I've had tests at the doctors and nothing was ever found and yet here I am feeling like I've just run the marathon....

I don't know if it's the autism or the anxiety... Or maybe a bit of it all together?

I do know though that I hate getting like this. I was diagnosed with ASD when I was 14 and though it's been over 10 years since my diagnosis I don't really know anything about ASD and how it affects my life. 

That's why I've joined here really to try and find out more about it. Hopefully then I'll be able to better manage how it affects me. 

This fatigue I get when I go out and do things has already cost me my job. I waited so long to get a chance at work and after a few days I was practically bed ridden. It's crazy. 

I'm in bed bed now, absolutely exhausted, and feeling like death. Wish this wouldn't happen I really do. It's fine when I stay in my room but when I leave my comfort zone all hell breaks loose and I'm left feeling like I've got a flu bug thing. 

I did say to the doctor but she won't give me anything because it's not real. She thinks it's a mental thing and "phantom" pain and exhaustion. No use at all. Rest helps but it takes time to recover.

Sorry for the rant. Not really how I wanted to introduce myself to the community. I'm just tired and feeling run down.

  • Yes, socialising can have that effect on me- extreme fatigue afterwards and it can take me days to recuperate. What I have noticed though is that with some people, I feel much less exhausted after socialising and there are a few very special people with whom socialising isn't actually exhausting and can occasionally even be energising. But this is extremely rare. I need to be very careful in pacing myself with seeing people because it takes so so much energy, which is frustrating. I think if the socialising is in a loud environment it is even worse. I find it fascinating to see how neurotypical people seem to gain energy from being with people- I have no idea how they do that but I do wish that socialising wasn't so exhausting because I do often feel lonely. I find online socialising or phoning a friend to be less demanding though it still needs careful dosing. Hope this makes you feel less alone!

  • I find socialising exhausting too, just being around people the noise, lights and storm force auras of some people feels like being battered. For the most part I find online easier, but not always, I still find people aggravating. I find it dificult to find people who share my interests and I enjoy a good debate, but lots of people don't and think that by repeating something it makes it more true. I find mixed company more difficult I find talking to women easier than talking to men, who tend to mansplain everything and think they have a more of a right to an opinion and that theirs is always right.

  • I find socialising exhausting too, just being around people the noise, lights and storm force auras of some people feels like being battered. For the most part I find online easier, but not always, I still find people aggravating. I find it dificult to find people who share my interests and I enjoy a good debate, but lots of people don't and think that by repeating something it makes it more true. I find mixed company more difficult I find talking to women easier than talking to men, who tend to mansplain everything and think they have a more of a right to an opinion and that theirs is always right.

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