Special educational establisments for children and adolescents and institutionalisation.

I made a comment on a planned school for youths with eating disorders in Preston, my comment was valid and my concerns are justified , my objections and oppinions are drawn from reality both historical an presnt day , in this particular time and place their is a high level of incompetence, inability and narcissistic abuse from people who have gained positions of trust and responsibility and have wrongly assumed authority and asserted dominance for no other identifiable reson than their own inadequacies , I am a victim of abuse and it has not stopped, I'm being stalked and poisoned for raising valid concerns and having opinions , I'm being tortured by dangerous people so that they can have their projects pushed through , there is a dangerous level of narcissistic abuse and the harder it gets to explain and identify the more skilled and enabled the narcissistic psychopath have become , shame on you all.

Don't forget Dr's high functioning alcoholic does NOT imply that you are able to hold positions of responsibility , it only means you can perform basic tasks such as eating , bathing and walking over a short distance , if you suspect youself , any colleagues or acquaintances are potentially alcohol or drug dependent then you should seek help and/or report your concerns for the safety of yourself and others , you DO have a social responsibility and it IS your duty and responsibility to inform . 

 There are some people who have conditions that if treated incorrectly often resort to self medicating with alcohol and/or illicet drugs , for them it can be deadly to detox as the anxiety and worry they suffer due to their health condition that led them to self medicating will be hugely increased during a detox and it can lead to death . The state of the health care system at presnt is nothing more then despicable, I am disgusted with the levels of incompetence and the vile methods of abuse that staff are resorting to , shame on you all you vile, disgusting, cretins .

 Too many incapable unable little psychopathic idiots who are prepared to poison and use other humanbeings to create a false economy for personal gain , health services are torture for lots of people , untill the narcissistic psychopaths who's ideas and methods are compleatly out of line with normal human behaviours are identified and removed then there should not be any investment in projects like special educational schools for any children and adolescents who have vilnrabilities , at this present moment in UK history in this area of the UK there is no responsible able people in positions of trust the system is broken , appropriate healthcare is inaccessible and the stress and strain of having incompetent , unable , unwilling people perverting positions of trust and responsibility to assume positions of authority from where they assert dominance is what is going to destroy the county, I see danger , I continue to suffer , I call shenanigans .

Why not fund a organised breakfast , dinner and tea club at schools and colleges with employed nutritionslists , students will self police to an extent and concerns for friends health will be raised and help will be more accessable and less stigmatising if its available for all students , rather than removing children and adolescents from society all be it not entirely it will still be harder to integrate back into society and whilst in groups of people with eating disorders they will bond in a unhealthy way with others who also have seriously dangerous eating habbits , they will lern and become more adept at hiding their condition and identifying by watching others and staff what the warning signs are that raise concerns and will then have a better insight into how to recognise and mask them in themselves , they will begin to resent society retreat and withdraw and when funding is eventually pulled after the staff have developed crule methods born of frustration and become cold in the heart , bitter and resentful towards others and need to place blame because their intentions were good , honest and true but it wrecked their lives and possibly their home family lives also , we will find a group of people who are damaged beyond repair , with no access to any help and compleatly marginalised isolated and in utterly hopeless situlations , nobody will care to listen , because it is too painful to here , it's better to walk on , we all do it , don't lie to yourselves, I try to stop the rot before it sets in , these are not new ideas and they're not good ideas , they will fail all involved STOP THEM NOW.

I have Asperger's syndrome, adhd inattentive, apnea / severe sleep apnea I develope secondary sleep disorders like secondary narcolepsy type 1 sleep paralysis and night terrors , I have IBS , due to the adhd my body and brain do not recognise what it needs , i don't crave the things I low on , so I have a very considered diet , it's very very difficult and I'll struggle every day untill I am cold and dead in the ground , the complexities are vast and their is no single approach that will work as one will affect the other for example a IBS diet will impact on cognative function and limit lifestyle that positively affects my adhd and so on , one thing I do not have is a eating dissorder but I do struggle with diet and when the appropriate referals are held back for so long it's difficult to explain then that is where very big mistakes are made and because my conditions are diagnosed and recognised and the treatment I've recieved from staff is the polar opposite of helpful and theraputic I know I'm being abused and there is a puppeteering narcissistic psychopath manipulating people and jockeying for position and power , a very dangerous situation is here now , people are being chemically labotomised poisoned and refused correct appropriate health care , they've developed a method of abuse it is no longer medicine that they practice , there actions are not in the interests of the patients . 

Please don't fall into the trap of feeling like ideas and suggestions are personal failing , or my comments are an attack on any individual they're simply a contribution in the effort to develop and improve , sometimes details are overlooked or information that some are privy to was not shared or communicated correctly . 

  Nobody understands everything and noting will ever be perfect , even when people have just one specific health complaint it is never simple because the condition has a person attached to it, with people there is no exact science , no one size fits all approach ever has or will exist , ideas on pieces of paper if interpreted by a person who does not or can not grasp the concept that they're all templates and never will be a finished final draught , they're ment to be fluid and changeable, too much structure removes scope for creative thinking and limits ability , efficency and effectiveness, we need able responsible willing people who can work together to improve on current situations not ignore the facts and past mistakes , with heath care people must come first , the patients interests must be paramount , the only way for the nhs to work is to work with each other and the patients as individuals void yourselves of competitiness it does not work for anyone in the area of medicine . 

In my opinion it would be best to have skilled experienced psychologists, psychiatrists , nutritionalists with good working relationships and direct lines of communication and access to neurologists resident in schools and colleges , psychiatry is not just mental health and a psychiatrist is a Dr skilled in the area medications that fall into a certain category, they're used in the management of many , many conditions , due to advances in understanding identifying diagnosing of conditions there are very few people who suffer with severe debilitating mental health conditions as a primary condition , lots of people have congenital birth conditions or are on the autistic spectrum as a primary condition and if people can accept many of the conditions are of very little consequence and don't nessisarily impact on an individuals ability or life in any way but another person with a condition that falls under the same umbrella may have a very slight difference or have been in different curcumstances that have made life unmanageable for them , if people are trested as individuals from a young age and taught what works for them holistically then it will help people avoid institutionalisation and having every single health condition regardless of what it is treated as a mental health psychiatric condition , don't remove children from main street society and place them on a path to hospitalisation and institutionalisation bring the hospital to the children , all of them , be pro active and preventative , it is never wise to impliment a reactive mental health crisis approach with anyone as a first port of call , not even mental health patients will benefit from this approach . The pinicel of any of the aforementioned Dr's consultant specialists psychologists should not be working with deranged narcissistic psychopaths it's boring monotonous and makes you want to sigh , nothing else , it is to have had the experience and aquired knowlage and understandings of working with a wide range of individuals who have the most prominent influences on people's daily lives both good and bad and to take those aquired skills and abilities and impliment them for the good of children and adolescents as a preventative proactive approach , you like everyone else will get it wrong before you get it right and if you get it right for just one person just once during your lifetime you can consider yourself a success , you may have had it right for many people through the years but it had just become part of your days activities , you may not have noticed the bigger picture you painted for focusing on the finer details .

 Illicet drug use alcohol use and addiction , narcissisisum / psychopathy are constant contributing factors to people's ill health and social decline these things are presnt and we're all influenced by them directly or indirectly they have an impact and that will not change ever it's part of the world humanity and the human condition , life is hard don't make it any easier for the worst bits of the human condition to take over , the preditory vulturous elements of society are forever presnt and always circling when times are hard and they spot weakness and division they move in ever decreasing circles, stay safe look after eachother don't lose track , you never failed if you tried .