Venting - Really Mad Someone Gave My Friend Bad Advice

So, someone who doesn’t know me and didn’t talk to me, talked to my friend who I have a strong attachment to and told him based only on things he was saying to get rid of me and take me out of his life. It has really p*ssed me off. While my friend didn’t take the advice, the fact that he was advised to drop me makes me feel discriminated against. All that advice does is make the abuse my mother did where she told me because I have Autism I can’t maintain friendships look true. How does making her words look true help me or any other Autistic who has been abused like that? Sorry for venting but this has really irked me and I just need to vent to other Autistics and have some support cause I don’t know if it’s just a me thing or if any other Autistics feel this way too.

  • I vowed a while back to not take personal advice from neurotypical people (or just anyone who doesn't have the full picture) because it just became more stressful, and often taking their advice made my situation worse. 

  • I vowed a while back to not take personal advice from neurotypical people (or just anyone who doesn't have the full picture) because it just became more stressful, and often taking their advice made my situation worse. 
