Worried about my mum forgetful memory

Hello my name is John

I'm worried about my mum she's in her 60s & although she's retired from work as she was a child protection worker for social services. She now works in a hotel & 2 times a year goes travelling with her husband to EU in motorhome.

Her memory is definitely changed I noticed the other day she forgot to close the boot when going out in car & then few days later we went to visit my nan in hospital & she forgot were she parked her car. Today she ordered a meal from KFC with me I placed my own order & she forgot to collect her order so I carried her order to table with mine she looked distracted & confused & puzzled. A few months ago her husband left the steering lock on drop down bed & it dropped on her head she checkout with A&E with minor cut.

I love my mum but I can't protect her as her husband is in the way & I don't get along with him due to negative attitude bullying

My mum has supported me from birth to now I'm 38 living independently with Level 2 Autism & ADHD & EUPD & SPD 

Through out the years I've attempted suicide 16x 2x in the last 4 months I really don't want to see her die.

I struggle myself to keep track of the years & kids growing up in the family I struggle to understand the life cycle from child to adult I also struggle with performing sex. I struggle to understand emotions & facial expressions & struggle with communication as I was non verbal from birth to age of 18 when I spoke for 1st time.

I live on the isle of man on my own with my Teddy bear called BlU we've been living independently since 2015

I do not work but build rc models of police cars & rc trucks & rc cranes up. I cycle Bike & do photography with my Canon 1300D dslr.

I don't normally cry unless really struggle with life & death. I went to my autism friend's funeral a month ago this hurt me as I saw him everyday in my community & then he suddenly died I've lost my fair share of mates in covid-19 pandemic & through the years from suicide & end of life.

I had a Pulmonary Embolism in 2016 I had 4 blood clots in my right lung & 2 blood clots in my left lung . Then had a mini stroke & cardiac arrest in 2005 when I was a child at 7 years old I had a trauma when I was hit in left eye with a metal baseball bat. I'm 6.7ft with uk size 17.5 feet.

I visit my dad once a year I struggle to visit him as my my mum & dad separated when I was a child I witnessed my dad throw a microwave at my mum in a domestic dispute & although I love my dad he's not supported me with my autism like my mum has also my family understands my autism but not fully aware of the dangers in self harm & attempt suicide in my autism & visiting them becomes difficult  as they don't want to see me that way.

I use to self harm regular almost everyday ***. But now trying to change coping mechanism & taking new meds to help fight depression & anxiety thanks to local mental health I dis believe in hospital so if I Overdose or cut myself I will not phone for help as I want to enjoy the feeling of bleeding or slowly dieing. 4 months ago when I OD 2x in 2 days  ***.

I went to A&E & had to drink 2x bottles of charcoal posion control liquid to prevent death then admitted to hospital for 3 weeks & hooked to life support as my blood stayed thin for a week before it regained thickness. At the time my bpm was 225bpm resting..

[edited by moderator]

  • Hiya,

    Thanks for sharing so much about your life, seems like everything is really tough right now.

    In regards to your mum, as people get older their memory does deteriorate a little, maybe start a diary or something of the things she forgets and when that is in the day. And if it gets any worse maybe discuss your worries with her, it seems like you have a great relationship with her so I'm sure she would appreciate your concern.

    It must have been awful to lose your friend, I'm sorry for your loss.

    Witnessing that as a child must have been really traumatic and it's not a surprise that you don't see him regularly.

    Reading that you are trying to fight the depression has made me smile. I'm so pleased that you are trying to keep yourself safe, you seem like such a lovely person. I've really enjoyed how open you have been in this post

    Alisha xx

    P.S. I had charcoal at hospital once and it was awful, put me off overdosing againJoy

  • Hiya,

    Thanks for sharing so much about your life, seems like everything is really tough right now.

    In regards to your mum, as people get older their memory does deteriorate a little, maybe start a diary or something of the things she forgets and when that is in the day. And if it gets any worse maybe discuss your worries with her, it seems like you have a great relationship with her so I'm sure she would appreciate your concern.

    It must have been awful to lose your friend, I'm sorry for your loss.

    Witnessing that as a child must have been really traumatic and it's not a surprise that you don't see him regularly.

    Reading that you are trying to fight the depression has made me smile. I'm so pleased that you are trying to keep yourself safe, you seem like such a lovely person. I've really enjoyed how open you have been in this post

    Alisha xx

    P.S. I had charcoal at hospital once and it was awful, put me off overdosing againJoy
