My 23 year old son

Hello, I’ve just joined this site and hoping for some advice. My son is 23 and has a number of autistic traits which , as he’s got older are increasing. His sixth form head flagged up some concerns when my son was 16. Our doctor wasn’t interested, said it was down to the school to refer him, the school said it was down to his doctor. We got nowhere so decided to leave things and see how our son got on as he became an adult.  His dad and I are very concerned and have tried several times to discuss the possibility of autism with him, in a subtle way I might add. He won’t even consider the idea and in his words said “I’m not retarded and I don’t have a disease and I don’t want to be labelled”. He’s very intelligent but sits in his room, door and window shut, blind shutting out any light,  has no friends, no real interests, has routines, eats the same few meals, all dry food. He’s done some online courses which is great but I can’t see him ever getting a job. He can speak quite eloquently and formally when he occasionally has to but otherwise is monosyllabic, non empathetic and makes little eye contact.  I don’t know what to do. His dad and I are divorced and my son lives with me, though sees his dad all the time. I can’t force him to get help, but he can’t live in his room forever, I worry so much about him.  Apologies for rambling post but I’d appreciate any opinions and advice. Thank you.

  • Hi, I'm in almost the exact position. The description of your son is identical to mine. I've pushed and coaxed trying to get him motivated with very little benefit. Trying to pry him off his pc and out of his room is torture enough.

    Eventually I found an organisation in my area (Durham) that provides training, counselling and employment help. There also a other group that offers therapy/guidance. They are both affiliated with either the NHS or the DWP.

    I'm sure other organisations must exist in other parts of the UK.

    I understand some of what he's going through as my early years were difficult, I wasn't diagnosed until later in life.

    Good luck and take care 

  • Hi, I'm in almost the exact position. The description of your son is identical to mine. I've pushed and coaxed trying to get him motivated with very little benefit. Trying to pry him off his pc and out of his room is torture enough.

    Eventually I found an organisation in my area (Durham) that provides training, counselling and employment help. There also a other group that offers therapy/guidance. They are both affiliated with either the NHS or the DWP.

    I'm sure other organisations must exist in other parts of the UK.

    I understand some of what he's going through as my early years were difficult, I wasn't diagnosed until later in life.

    Good luck and take care 

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