Applying for work

Hi I'm new here and I'm autistic. I've been looking for work for some time but so far no luck at all. I did do some volunteer work, it was working with children which I absolutely loved but sadly the said preschool closed down due to lack of funds.

I can at least put it on my CV though, hopefully will be an advantage when applying for work!

One of my biggest problems is I've got hardly anything on my CV as I was unable to finish school so I have no grades etc and I think this is why I rarely get chosen for jobs. It's a collosal pain and I'm unsure what to do about it.

I've seen my local Morrison's is now hiring again and they state they are an equal opportunities employer so should be willing to hire an autistic person like me.

I hope...

I've been on benefits all of my life but I'm nearing 30 and feeling in a great place within myself and I think I can work now. I had a mental breakdown a couple of years ago but I'm over that now as well.

I miss out on so much life and living and I'm hoping this job will be a new start for me, if I can get it. I did better than I thought I would when volunteer at the preschool, I masked a lot but overall I did all right I think. The people in charge said they would be more than willing to give me an excellent reference if I applied for work again in the future.

So I've got that working in my favour also. Slight smile 

If you've got any advice for applying for work and more importantly actually coping during an interview I would appreciate you letting me know. 

My biggest problem in interviews is that I get very hot and can come over bad, which is always embarrassing to say the least!

Thanks in advance! Slight smile

  • I've not worked in 2.5 years. I've done little freelance bits though and I did some shadowing recently but I think there's a degree of things feeling a bit dead-end, so you're not alone.

    I've generally gone for creative jobs though, which haven't involved an extremely formal interview process. That helps me but admittedly means I box myself off and steer clear of other roles. That said, I can't imagine going for a job I really have no interest in. Most won't agree with me on that but if anything I'm doing both myself and them a favour.

  • I recommend that you volunteer at a local charity or in a clearly need some experience to add to your CV. Also consider returning to college and doing some courses, as most jobs these days require a basic English and Maths GCSE. Many companies now are classed as 'Disability Confident' or an 'Equal Opportunities' employer but you do still need experience and qualifications for 99% of paid employment. You need to think about all the other people that will also apply for the job and everything they bring to the job, in terms of the information on their CV. It is a competitive world out there and yes it can be unfair at times that you don't get selected or offered a job, but it's how it works.

  • just stick anything on your cv.... they dont check, it doesnt matter, and most jobs you can put on require no skill or experience anyway.

    trick is to leave no gaps, if you have years of gaps that needs to close, so stretch any dates of jobs or experience to close any gaps and say you was doing that in that time. never leave any gap, if you have a gap you wont get a job.... i know people say to not lie on your cv, but its survival, if you dont lie and you have big gaps, you dont get a job and you dont survive in this world... its lie or die..

  • Hi Isadora,

    I’ve recently got a job that’s lasted more than any other I’ve had, the others only lasted weeks or less than a few months. This job is working out because my employer is a really kind person. So there may be other jobs that work out if one job doesn’t work out. I also feel that it is the employers loss because they don’t realise how bad their organisation is and what needs improving.  

  • Hi CaliforniaDreamer95,

    I was also sacked recently, from yet another job. Interviewers also tell me I am a very strong candidate and tell me they believe I can do the job. Yet for some reason they don’t want me 

  • Hi Sen, I’m sorry to hear that you are finding it difficult to get work. I was also thinking of trying to get a job at Morrison’s but decided not to because I would find it difficult to work at a supermarket. People usually sack me from any jobs I start within a few months or weeks. They say it’s because of my difficulty with social interaction. Some of them laugh at me. It’s all very cruel. Some employers say that I’m so intelligent so talented etc and then they sack me for what I see as a stupid reason to sack me. At some interviews employees tell me how they think I could do the job yet still choose someone else. Interviews have become easier to me from experience at many interviews. It’s not the interview that’s difficult anymore, it’s trying to persuade employers to keep me in the job. People won’t accept me and there is no support for me to get me a job with people who accept me

  • I'm sorry you haven't been given a chance yet. Finding work is so difficult and I think it's even harder when you're autistic.

    Keep positive, I'm sure you'll find the right job. Someone will give you a chance eventually it's just waiting for that right one.

    Best wishes,


  • Hello Sen, 

    Best of luck with your application. I hope you get the job and if not remember there will be other jobs and it's really their loss. Blush 

    Best wishes,


  • Hello Sen,

    I have also been vigorously applying for work since I was made redundant in July 2022.

    I have had numerous interviews since, they have all stated that I am a strong candidate, yet here I am with no job.

    Don't worry too much, you'll find a position with an organisation that will respect and appreciate you eventually.