What would an Autistic world be like?

I wonder what the world would be like if ASD people were the majority? I think it would be less smelly, less noisy and bright and just more chilled out. I think architecture would be different too, more plants and fresh air, and spaces would arranged with more flow, spaces that could be both private and open when required. Would there be adverts? I think there would but they'd be more information bulletins than aspirational. Education would be in small groups and organised according to your primary sense not the one size fits no one that we have now. There would be chill out spaces for when people get overwhelmed and an oportunity to explore why we find something overwhelming and what could be done to help. Clothes would be of natural fibres and would come with laundry instructions designed to be removed and all seems and hems would be enclosed French ones.

What would your ASD world be like?

  • I wonder who would take care of the "spicy" ASD that cannot take care of themselves or do any meaningful job. Many autistics forget that about 50% of us have IQ around 80 and severe comorbidities.

  • If people were being calm and just absorbing the nature around them and not running around like maniacs screaming and shouting would that help?

    Small groups of people might be easier to deal with but I think they're more divicive, small groups have rules and can be more controlling than big groups. Groups can also hide too much abuse, sorry as you can tell I'm not a fan of groups, I dont' do groups.

    I think architecture would be less echo-y and feel less oppressive, made with more natural materials.

    Maybe some sport would be played, but not allowed to dominate in the way it does now.

  • i like tribalism.... in the sense that its smaller communities, isolated, nature thrives more around you in your small community that doesnt gorge out and mass strip and destroy everything around it... tribal times in history where likely better for the planet and likely better for us due to it being smaller close nit communities were we wouldnt have been left out.

  • What do you think would be different about architecture? 

    The world would probably be more manageable and calmer for EVERYONE in it but the world needs all sorts of people. It'd be boring with one neurotype. And my quiet places in nature would potentially have more people in them - not something I would like whether they are autistic or not!

  • I love sport (football & running in particular), so I'd keep it in an autisitic world. 

  • One thing that wouldn't happen, is groups of people having a brain storming session stressing the importance of "lived experience", that none of them have designing and funding services for us poor unfortunates. I hope in an ASD world we wouldn't do this to NT's as they so often seem to do to us. So many services seem to lose interest once you've got all the benefits you're entitled to, I hate being treated like my head does up at the back, because my needs don't meet the carefully planed requirements that their service offers.

  • A lot more accepting hopefully. Life as an autistic is just. At school I have to mask and at home I can't really be myself, there's always so much pressure to be "normal".

    In an autistic world this wouldn't be the case. We could be ourselves, it would be amazing to live in such a world.

  • It seems I'm not allowed to use the three letter f word for cigarettes WTF?

    I'm not a fan of tribalism either, but I'm not sure thats always an NT trait, I've met some pretty tribal ASD's too and often they get tribal about equallu stupid stuff, like is animae better than manga?

  • Less boarders. But dealing with NT tribalism (which is one of the major differences) might be problematic. 

  • More elegant, stylish, sophisticated and classy - people dressed up to the nines, glass of champagne on arrival at airports, private jet travel, and first class lounges, first class air travel, first class train travel, trains with private compartments - an appreciation for arts, history and culture - butlers, concierges and staff to assist with luggage, straight out of the soap opera Dynasty, staying at mansions and luxury hotel suites  

  • It would be the real world, the same as this one, but with ASD as the majority, so you wouldn't need a passport, it would just be how the world is.

    I'd like less death and cruelty too, no more stupid wars, no more killing for incomprehensible reasons, no more starving people to death.

    Yes some ASD's do need to be made to shower, but the smells I was thinking of were the artificial perfumes of cleaning products and cosmetics. Smelly vapes wouldn't exist either, only *** flavoured ones, why do people want to smoke bubble gum?

  • Dear TheCatWoman,

    your ASD world sounds amazing, do we need a passport to enter? I want to claim asylum from this mad world and move to ASD world please!

  • There would be a lot more honesty.

    The Arts would be much more prominent.

    The world would be somewhat less violent.

    There would be many exciting scientific advances.


  • What would your ASD world be like

    A library with a walled garden attached.

    A couple of other people (one male, one female) and a lot of animals and insects.

    An absence of death and cruelty would be welcome. 

  • A world where we could be ourselves and not have to mask anymore. Please. That's the world I dream of.

  • I do not believe it would be less smelly. I have attended MtG and anime conventions, and you would not believe the rotting stench of many of the local autistics. Apparently, many ASD need to be forced to shower.

  • Or any sport as far as I'm concerned, I hate sport, I dont' see why it's so important that everything else has to go on hold because of it, my ASD world would be sport free, or maybe a minority activity for NT's.

  • Well for starters there would be less emphasis on football in high school.