Meditation and relaxation

Hello everyone 

Just wondering if anyone could share any links or info on meditation please?

I am struggling a little atm as my boy is struggling going back to school after half term and I’ve had a long night with little sleep and pretty much watched YouTube videos on autism. 
Also my parents are on holiday which always makes me really anxious as a few years ago while on holiday he had an aneurysm and a stroke which was probably one of the worst times in my life. 

Thanks for listening 

  • That’s interesting Inula. Might try that also as my mind races from one thing to another a lot of the time. I’m looking forward to the day I get assessed but I am worried that my masking is so deep rooted that I don’t show my true self. 
    I also think ADHD will be a thing for me too as I show traits in that. 

    Thanks for your reply and good luck with your discoveries 

  • Hi Take5

    I'm still very much processing my diagnosis but so pleased and happy to have been officially identified autistic. It's answered so many questions. I've been meditating for many years - and still struggle with it!  Recently I've started to do Shamanic Journeys which I find much easier as I don't have to still my mind for that. My autism diagnosis also flagged up ADHD and suggested I get assessed for that. Ha! I thought everyone's brain worked like mine yet here I am, weeks away from my 63rd "Level Up" day still making discoveries about myself 


  • Hi people

    I had a look through the links Billy Kidd, really interesting thank you. I have also done a few things on Insight Timer Inula and loved it, I got 6 hours sleep last night and might be a coincidence but really enjoyed the experience anyway. I did Quick calming for the nervous system with Kayla Hardin and another one. 
    really good thank you all

  • Control over my emotions would be amazing, I have hyper empathy also which I do feel is a gift but can also be a curse. I can tell from your post how good meditation has been for you and I would love to be able to say the same in the future.

    Thank you so much for that and I hope you continue on your journey of being in control 

  • Meditation can be amazing but it’s not a magical pill. It’s like physical exercise, but for your brain. It takes time, but even a few minutes consistently over a period of time yields noticeable results. It’s better incorporated as a routine, like brushing your teeth. Some do it first thing in the morning. Some right before bed. Those that seem to use it effectively have made it a part of their own lifestyle.

    For me, meditation helped me realise that I have more control over my emotions, and overall happiness, than I used to believe possible. It helped me realise how focusing on the present moment makes me feel more alive and more aware of myself if that makes sense. It opens up your mind like it can breathe and feel fresh air.

    It's a lovely feeling, a peaceful feeling. I started meditating after my BF left me and my daughter, and since then I feel so much better after meditating.

    Good luck if you try. I hope it works as well for you. Definitely is worth giving a try though.

  • Just read your bio Inula. I’m really pleased you have found peace in your diagnosis and that you have found your place here on the forums. 
    I am now starting to try and get an assessment myself and although I used to worry that I might be I would be quite relieved to get a diagnosis. I’m 49 years old and my goodness I drove myself crazy trying to go through my past. 

    Take care

  • Wow Billy and Inula

    Reading up on this will give me a bit of a break on educating myself on Autism which is what I have done for the last 6 months. In the day at work I spend time researching and every evening before bed which may not be helping the sleep issue. I’m totally on board with mindfulness and meditation even though it’s not something I have tried. I have conditioned myself to be mindful to others particularly my youngest son but maybe have been overlooking myself. It’s just been a rough few years for me really and given my son and then me realising I’m neurodivergent has taken its toll. Really kind of you both to take the time for your advice and recommendations and I will start tonight and work through the links.

    Just to answer the question about being a parent, I only realised this 6 months ago so really had no choice. But trust me it does give you something to focus on and takes away how bad I can feel, it also makes me socialise even though I find it quite tough. I suppose I could say that my children are one of my special interests!!

    Thank you both again and I’ll remember to post back on here and let you know how I am finding things. 

  • Hi

    I use an app on my phone called insight timer. Most of the content is free. I particularly enjoy a lady called Glenda Cedarleaf who reads bedtime stories. She always helps me to nod off to sleep. 


  • Hello Take5.

    I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment. Hats off to you with parenting, that's something I would likely be unable to do because at the best of times I struggle to take care of myself let alone a child!

    Meditation is a great thing to do and it can improve your life in many different ways from feeling happier and calmer to better understanding and controlling your emotions.

    There's a few different types of meditation and it might take you a while to find one that works for you but once you do I think you will be feeling better in yourself sooner rather than later.

    I do meditation and it has made such a big positive difference to my life.

    Here's some links to a few different sites about meditation studies and the positive effects they can have.

    I have read through each of these. There's a lot to go through but it is all positive and an intriguing read.

    Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness Meditation

    Inflammation reduction - this is something I found has improved massively for me! I'm in a lot less pain now.

    Decreases depression.

    Decreases anxiety.

    Memory improvement.

    Better improvement of multitasking abilities.

    Improved cognitive function.

    Increases grey matter.

    And here's some YouTube videos on meditation as well which I thought you might find useful.

    "How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains" Neuroscientist Sara Lazar.

    "Meditation: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life:" Bodhin.

    "All it takes is 10 mindful minutes" Andy Puddicombe.


    I realise this is a lot for one post - sorry about that! But at your leisure read some of this and watch some of the videos and I think it will help you better understand meditation and what it might be able to help you with.

    It can be a slow path to walk but it is normally a rewarding journey that ends with you feeling so much better in body, mind and soul, more so than you probably think is possible.

    I never used to do meditation. I had heard about it but always thought it was nonsense, and then my sister died, I hit rock bottom and felt the worst I ever felt. And then I started doing mindfulness and I feel so much better. I'm happy again - so happy I almost feel like my heart and soul are dancing.

    I sleep better too, this is something I hope you will find for yourself if you give it a go.

    No pressure though. Read up on it when you want to. Watch the videos, listen and read of other people's experiences with meditation and see if it is for you.

    From my own personal perspective, like me originally, you have nothing to lose by trying it and a hell of a lot to gain!

    Take care and I really do hope this helps and you will be feeling more like it again soon Slight smile