People Don't Believe The Life I Have Lived.

Do any of you find the same? If my life was made into a film it would end up being a top rated movie, and film critics would accuse me of making it up for added effect!

I honestly don't know anyone who has been through the same. I think it is because I am on the spectrum that I notice things?

  • I put myself in their shoes. I rationalize in my head that they’re limited to their experience of reality, their consciousness. That is through that lens they see the world — so when they dismiss my condition or what say I understand that it’s not truly possible to “get it” unless you have it or have experienced it for themselves.

    However people could react a bit better rather than dismissing and outright calling you a liar - I've had this several times.

    But you know you better than anybody else and you know what's true, so hopefully you can find some comfort in that fact.

    Hope you're feeling better since your original post.

  • I think my life would be too boring for it to be a movie. Large parts of it, years or even decades, could be mostly skipped. But that's a good thing. The parts of my life that were really bad were hardships that I am glad I were as brief as they were - my "year of hell" in 2007 or "depression 2.0" in 2021.

    If it was a film, I suspect most people would be shouting at the scream "why doesn't he do X" and "is this guy r*tarded".

    Out of interest, what in your life makes you say that people wouldn't believe it?

  • Half the things that have happened in my life are unbelievable but did happen. Scares me some of it.

  • There has been many a moment where we have been warned not to go here or there by the Lord and it has saved our lives.

    Do you think those of us on the spectrum notice things that others don't?

    (Sorry for not replying before as I got distracted for a few days and didn't expext so many replies).

    1. Not sue a book is a good idea a I am like Frank Spencer who ends up in situations not knowing what is going om around him! Is why the occasional death threat is puzzling as people assume one knows what they are talking about at the time the threat was given. Mums the same. we are more likely to look into something to try to work out what they are on about then take heed to the threat as we just don't get hints.
  • Life can be unbelievable at times but that doesn't mean it's not true.

    People seem to find it hard to believe things, unless it's on social media.

    Then they believe it LMAO Joy 

    But unbelievable things do happen in life look at the Titanic, supposed to be unsinkable..... and then it sank.

    Unbelievable but it happened.

    Life is remarkable and constantly changing all the time. Unbelievable things happen.

    You should do a book or a video series about your life and experiences on youtube I'd watch it.

  • I've read a fair bit about your life, it isn't boring! You'll enjoy looking back of some of what you've done when you get older.

    IF you get older, OFC.

  • There are aspects of my life I find hard to believe, and I was there doing it!

  • nah i think my life is largely boring.... alot of it is skippable. with large time skips but overall yeah you can get important story and life messages from it and see character development and change. but largely a boring film lol

    although there is weird bits that can make it like a phycological horror or lovecraftian film in parts especially if you add my weird prophetic dreams and dreams of weird entities that speak african languages that i then translate and they actually are words that mean something that suits a message for my life at the time.

  • You couldnt make it up.......

  • I agree, life is extraordinary (and ordinary) Slight smile

  • Life itself is extraordinary.

    My mum always says that as well. She says life is the first gift your parents give you and it should be enjoyed and is as extraordinary as you make it.


  • Their loss! At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you're right and their just disbelieving and therefore missing out on what sounds like thrilling tales of your life, if you happen to talk about them.

    I'm only 18 but so far have had a bit of a wild life, at times. Not always good, not always bad, but mostly interesting.

    As autistics we do tend to notice everything. At times it's a gift but it can also be a curse.

    Have you thought of writing a book about your life? I'm working on a book - just for fun really - about my autistic experiences and life so far.

  • I wouldn’t worry about it. As long as you know the truth that’s all that matters. You don’t need to convince others of it. I’ve had people not believe me in the past but I can’t force someone to believe something so I just leave them be if they don’t believe me. I know and that’s all that matters.

  • truth is. people are busy with their own stories. As extraordinary your life might be, most folks are going to want to talk about and focus on themselves. How about writing a book about it? That way people can read it and enter your world that way. My life has also been extraordinary. Life itself is extraordinary.

  • Probably. It's funny how we pick up things others don't. As if those around us climatise to their surroundings. While we find it unbearable.

    It's as if Hollywood tapped into a market in the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties with Dystopian Films; only to abandon us at ship Post-Obama.