I just want a diagnosis

I have now been trying for close to 2 years to get a diagnosis of being on the spectrum. I spoke to a Dr for referral over the phone and was declined the assessment process for lack of evidence. I wasn’t surprised since the call with the Dr lasted about 3 minutes. I followed this up with my GP and he tried to palm me off with recommending speaking to a psychologist about my anxiety issues because he “doubted it was Autism because you have very good eye contact”. Even those he was condescending I pushed for a referral and got one. Eventually the Adult Autism Team got in contact to fill out a pre screening assessment (which I don’t feel was very in depth) and I have now been declined to progress any further despite me having a plethora of issues. I’m really starting to feel extremely low and frustrated I’m not being heard. It’s a lot to deal with right now as I’ve just lost my father on Christmas Eve. Is there anywhere I can appeal their decision? Or is there anyone I can turn to to try get a diagnosis because I really struggle work wise and holding down a job and for the last few years have became a full time parent/houseperson instead as my partner understands my struggles with working. 

I have 3 siblings who are all diagnosed with ASD. And I myself have been diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia at age 19. I am now 30 and struggling more internally than I ever have. My 7yo daughter has traits of possible ASD and ADHD. And my 3yo daughter is ongoing for the ASD assessment just now. 

  • private is always the way to go when you want something done and done fast.... nhs are slow, they drag their feet, they dont wanna do their job, and when they do it they do it reluctantly and take 20 years.... private you get seen to right away and sorted right away for anything. so private is your best bet on this one.

    which then also opens up another point that americas private system is and always was better than our nhs lol

  • The US system is great if you are rich, appalling if you are poor, or even have a reasonable income. People decline to have ambulances called after having major accidents, because of the cost. It is also very inefficient, on a cost basis, drugs and procedures cost much, much more than the same does in this country. The NHS might pay £400 for a treatment, scan, or drug, in the US it could cost between twice and four times as much.

  • in america people get seen to right away and their emergency care is second to none... no one gets left, everyone gets seen to. its faster and more efficient than our health care and thats a absolute fact.

    just that yes, its also a fact its very expensive and you get put into debt when you wake up lol but you are never left.... and your debt can infact be written off and most people dont actually pay... most people have insurance which covers it, they are the only examples of people paying, other people that didnt have insurance are actually covered by medicaid anyway which functions like a...national insurance.... insurance by default for people with no insurance and no means to pay...

    then there was obama care which apparently speaking to my american friends was a disaster as it made everyones health insurance premiums spike massively. so they was paying alot due to obama care. which the media wont tell anyone because it would harm their party and people of choice...

    meanwhile in the uk... yes, your left to die... your left neglected for hours.... you need oxygen and they wont give it to you, you are lefty dying gasping for air in a coridoor and they are not allowed to help you or give you oxygen for days. thats a horror... thats pure horror what the nhs is currently... this is by far worse than the fake horror stories of america that we all claim they get left for dead on the street because they have no money, that doesnt happen in ameirca.... that happens in the uk but instead of due to no money its due to the nhs not functioning.

  • i didnt shout its all bullshit i pointed out the flaws and you gatekeeped and protected them and YOU said everything i said was bullshit... so you said its all bullshit.... while defending and propagandising for them

    burying the truth shall never allow you to fix it. you will kill the nhs. if you truly care you wouldnt do that. i care, thats why im this upset about it and concerned because i want this *** to be fixed asap before i need any health care because if its still like this when i need it im going to be absolutely fuming.

    and its kinda annoying that theres people like you whod virtue signal for the nhs and claim to be for it and for more funding, then you bury all the bad stuff that needs to come to light as if protecting their image... but we need to see this bad stuff to fix it, you understand? ... if no one sees and you bury it, it never gets fixed, and your virtue signalling just becomes offensive and again another reason i hate people who virtue signal as its all fakery and lies and without real commitment and care

  • i didnt shout its all bullshit i pointed out the flaws and you gatekeeped and protected them and YOU said everything i said was bullshit... so you said its all bullshit.... while defending and propagandising for them

    burying the truth shall never allow you to fix it. you will kill the nhs. if you truly care you wouldnt do that. i care, thats why im this upset about it and concerned because i want this *** to be fixed asap before i need any health care because if its still like this when i need it im going to be absolutely fuming.

    and its kinda annoying that theres people like you whod virtue signal for the nhs and claim to be for it and for more funding, then you bury all the bad stuff that needs to come to light as if protecting their image... but we need to see this bad stuff to fix it, you understand? ... if no one sees and you bury it, it never gets fixed, and your virtue signalling just becomes offensive and again another reason i hate people who virtue signal as its all fakery and lies and without real commitment and care

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