Help required don’t know where to turn

I’m currently waiting for a diagnosis and have had to come out to work to look after my autistic daughter, every so often throughout my life I either walk out of a job or need a few months away to recharge. The job I do I highly intense and at the moment I can’t see a way back to work, is there any help available as I don’t know how I will survive? Being home is like heaven to me and I want to be here for the kids but in this day and age waiting for a diagnosis is there help availabele

  • Thank you for your insight and advice 

  • Become a self employed contractor?

    You get paid more for doing the same job, and if you do it as a limited company and take advantage of the rules, you can save your accounting fees out of the taxes you'd normally pay as paye.

    If your accountant does not understand that concept, get another accountant.

    Society has been carefully set up to make it VERY difficult for working parents to spend quality time with their children.

    Correct operation of a functional family requires one parent to stay home, and one to be able to "provide". THsi has nto been possibel for most people for a very long time now.

    Despite all the advances in technology (and particularly labour saving devices) ever since the 1970's invented "latch key kids" the training of our kids has been steadily put more an more in the hands of strangers. 

    GOOD on you, for wanting to be with your kids.

    More than flying, more than owning a few really good machines, more than the few times I've been promoted or "accidentally seized power" or any of teh otehr things Iev doen adn which seemd good, the time I spent with my child (why did I only have one?) and still do, has been the best. And there's no second chances. 

    I've just stumbled onto a film entitled "the war on children" which whilst it introduces concepts which are hard to swallow, horrible even, does in the first few minutes explain an awful lot.

    In my childs cohort I noticed there seemed to be a lot of suicides compared to my own generation, and have been digging away to find the root of that observation, intermittently ever since.

    There's definitely some real fundamental changes happened without any real discussion abut how children are trained, and how traditional person to person familial information sharing and training has become marginalised, and it looks like the wrong type of people have been put in charge of the task. 

    Sorry, I rambled on a bit. I hope the first bit was useful.