Time for a Career Change? I'm Scared!

I'm in my early 50's and was diagnosed ASD Level 1 last year.
This is something that came to light after more than 2.5 years of struggling with various health issues (mental fatigue being the main one).

I've worked in IT for the majority of my life and I "think" that it suits me and that I enjoy it....most of the time.
Yes, it can be challenging & demanding at times, but the rewards can be great - both in terms of job satisfaction and money.

During my ill health (now approaching 3 years) I have needed to take a lot of time off work.
I have always wanted to work and have managed to do so to a certain extent, but was off sick for 60 days last year and 120 days the year before.
My employer has been very supportive towards me....up until recently when they have initiated conversations about mutually agreed termination.
They have proposed a settlement agreement which amounts to approx 5 months net take home pay.
I have been with my current employer for more than 4 years. Prior to that I was with my previous employer for 21 years!

So, here I am, unsure of what to do.
Do I fight to keep my current job (there is mention of probably disciplinary/capability review due to all my absence, as well potential redundancies around the corner)?
Do I take the money and then look for a similar role elsewhere (my current skillset is very specialised with very few opportunities in the job market?
Do I take the money and look for a complete career change?

I currently earn a decent salary (even at the prorated rate due to reduced hours agree as a reasonable adjustment).
I know that money isn't everything, but it has always been important for me to enable a decent yet modest lifestyle, so at this time of uncertainty it is a major anxiety for me.

Has anyone here been through similar conundrum later in their working life?


  • the settlement is pretty good, because i think a redundancy you only get 1 week pay for each year worked there... so redundancy youd only get like 4 week pay. so the 5 month pay is actually pretty good offer, better than any redundancy.

    but its hard to get a job these days, so i dunno finding a new job maybe impossible. this is why i want to remain in the rubbish job im in despite all the issues i had.

    but your time off you had is pretty drastic. youd have to have good attendance after that or they would get rid of you anyway.... so it depends.... if you think you cant attend and you may likely have more days off then the 5 month may actually be the offer to take.... if you can stomach it and fight through it and remain full attendance for a year at least for the absences to go off your record then youd be ok.... even a final warning only lasts 12 months.... so if you can last for 12 months with perfect attendance then that maybe the better choice, if not then the 5 month pay is pretty sweet.

  • At my age I think that redundancy is 1.5 weeks per year worked, but would still be significantly less than what they are offering as a settlement.

    I am confident that my absences will reduce considerably going forward.
    The past 3 years have been very difficult with my health issues, further compounded by the dire state of the health services. I have waited months on end for appointments and then when they eventually come, there are mistakes being made that further delayed diagnosis / pathways forward.

    Now that I have my ASD (and FND) diagnoses since late last year, I am that much more aware of myself and better equipped to manage my symptoms. There are still some ongoing issues such as severe fatigue, but hopefully that will improve as and when I become more settled. I have an appointment with one of my neurologists (sleep/fatigue) next month and another later in the year (FND). Hopefully they will provide more answers to the health issues.

  • At my age I think that redundancy is 1.5 weeks per year worked, but would still be significantly less than what they are offering as a settlement.

    I am confident that my absences will reduce considerably going forward.
    The past 3 years have been very difficult with my health issues, further compounded by the dire state of the health services. I have waited months on end for appointments and then when they eventually come, there are mistakes being made that further delayed diagnosis / pathways forward.

    Now that I have my ASD (and FND) diagnoses since late last year, I am that much more aware of myself and better equipped to manage my symptoms. There are still some ongoing issues such as severe fatigue, but hopefully that will improve as and when I become more settled. I have an appointment with one of my neurologists (sleep/fatigue) next month and another later in the year (FND). Hopefully they will provide more answers to the health issues.

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