Manageable jobs for autistic people

I am currently working as an administrator (full time, in person) and am constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. It seems like a job that should be manageable but I am struggling so much and currently on sick leave because of becoming burnt out. I think I need to find a different job because this isn't sustainable for me, but I have no idea what to look for. Does anyone know any jobs that are well suited to autistic adults? 

  • I am a teacher and have just realised I’ve had autistic burnout for 3 years. I have been on the sick for a few weeks now. I don’t know how I can continue teaching. I’m stuck. 

  • It may be that you can't anymore.  My first real burnout was about 15 years back.  I was working for a well known supermaket and the night manager took me to one side and gave me a dressing down, said I was bad at my job, asked me why I came to work there and summised in a round about way that I should go end my life and stop disappointing other people.  And then i walked away and didn't work for two years.  Signed off for the first year with depression, work related stress, and deteriorating health.  Then a year on Incapacity after it.  That was my first real burnout.  i've had a few more since then. 

    It may be that you can never teach again.  My sister had something similar, but due to stress and it nearly killed her.  She no longer teaches and her health is pretty much permanently wrecked because she tried to keep going when she needed to step back.

    What am i saying.  If you are sick, you are sick.  If you can never teach again, then that is simply reality.  Embrace it.  Then come up with a new plan that allows you to work and maybe in a better environment.  Maybe try to find a smaller school somewhere , with less stress and smaller class sizes.  Maybe supply teaching so you can keep earning money, but if it gets too much you can bin it and take a time out for a while.  Engineer work life to suit your life.

  • that is so awful that someone said that to you, oh my goodness. I'm really truly shocked and saddened for you. The person who said that sounds deeply disturbed and horrid. Well done for carrying on and surviving that, and now using your experience and wisdom to help others

  • that is so awful that someone said that to you, oh my goodness. I'm really truly shocked and saddened for you. The person who said that sounds deeply disturbed and horrid. Well done for carrying on and surviving that, and now using your experience and wisdom to help others

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