I think men should wear suits and ties

I do not believe it is good to be looking lazy. In the most expensive private schools all the children have to wear suits and ties. All the big world leaders have suits and ties. It is possible to do it quite easily. I wear a pear of trousers under my suit trousers and a T shirt and jumper under my shirt and suit jacket. If it rains, I put all my clothes on the boiler in the boiler room so that they quickly dry. 

  • Clothes are generally perceived as an indication of what a person is about. SImple uniforms, have strong taboos about being worn by non members of the group, but carry a sort of authority about them.

    I had a woman come and tidy me up once and the feeling of being clean and tidy looking was nice, but my day started and ended in a house I'd bought from the council and I stood out like a sore thumb. 

    If you want to be seen as a quality person then the whole package matters, grooming, cleanliness, generall physiology to a limited extent, some clothes look better on some people and rubbish on others.

    If you habitually "dress to express" like some people do you never know how they will look. 

    You can play games with clothing. And many peoeple do.Tehre are soe jobs which you haev to wear old or disposable clothing to do, which allow you to look scruffy all the time yet still garner respect providing you CAN clean up occasionally.

    Or you can establish your own "look" based either on utilty or style or (rarely) a combination of the two.

    You can also use clothing to "break the mould" as it were. I'm considering doing some door to door canvassing for either gardening or handyman style work, and if I do, I'll wear smart business attire (I have a lot left over from one of my lives spent as a visiting engineer in the financial sector, so I CAN scrub up well when I need to. The expression "dress for sucess" has real validity when canvassing for  work.

    Sounds like you are enjoying experimenting. Just don't get hooked on "fashion". That way lies bankrupcy and madness...

  • Well it may interest you all to know I no longer think this way. I now think suits and ties can be quite pretentious or overly fussy, though I do still quite like an informal shirt, the kind maybe a professor would wear in a university or a more colourful one. I've started wearing T-shirts and hoodies more of late, though, because I began to think I was being vain or conceited in the more smart clothing.

  • To be honest Roswell you haev a point, but it only works if there are a few scruffs like me wandering about to make you look good!

  • Female here :) I don’t gravitate to men in suits and ties. I prefer jeans and T-shirt or hoodie. Everyone has their own taste and style. I also think that for some men suit and tie on daily basis would be a sensory hell. Especially if someone can not afford fancy and comfortable one. 

  • I wear a shirt and tie most of the time. sometimes with a waistcoat or a tank top. But when summer comes, I usually wear a t-shirt with a flannel shirt. 

  • Why? Some men look good in a suit and tie, but others look like an overcoat on a wheelbarrow. Would you suggest that all women should wear a tweed skirt with a twinset and pearls?

  • I don’t fancy men in suits if I see a guy dressed like that I’m like he posh and stuck up I like the jeans and hoodie look in a bloke. 

  • I wear shirts, whenever out at something important, but it's a forced exercise. People say that I dress well, but deep down I wanna turn into the Hulk when wearing a shirt.

  • I'd consider it if they made them in my size (155cm tall, 28in waist and leg, 32in chest, wide hips).

  • I personally love suits. I wear all old fashioned clothes, usually a suit and tie with a trilby hat. I love the old fashioned styling, very smart. It can be uncomfortable though, depending on weather etc etc. I like the smart appearance though.

  • Suits don't gel very well with my eczema. I never really learned how to do a tie.

    I probably could make a greater effort in general though. 

  • Well I belive women should wear bikinis, mini skirts, crop tops and high heals. ... Ok I don't really but I am making a point. A world in which people are expected to dress for others prefrences is not nessicerally a good thing. Sure we are all allowed to have prefrences and opinions about what looks smart, sexy or lazy etc. But by and large the world is a better place if people are allowed to decide for them selves if they care about those opinions and want to dress accordingly.

  • Suits are terrible and pointless.

    If I were to say I think all women should wear bikinis because I think they look nicer. What would you say to that?

  • Everywhere I’ve ever worked women have had the choice of dress, work suit or something relatively casual but for the first half of my career men always had our clothes prescribed - formal suit, shirt, tie. I always wondered how that got past the equality police.

    Thankfully most employers are much more relaxed now and when working from home it doesn’t matter what we wear.

    Edit; formal men’s shoes are often pretty uncomfortable, hard leather things 

  • Well, I bought a tailored jacket this morning. The more formal the clothes, the better I look. I did once have a tailcoat, but the moths got at it, alas.

  • Suits are better than dresses I think. Dresses are so awkward to wear and they have weird shapes and patterns, sparkles, fluffy stuff. Suits you at least get a shirt and pants, normal shoes (not tight, healed ones), and it looks not as weird to wear a jacket with a suit vs a dress.  

  • People sometimes ask what you’d change if you could use a Time Machine to go back in time - kill Hitler etc.

    One of the things I’d have on my list would be to go back an assassinate whoever invented suits.

    They’re too cold in winter, too warm in summer, useless in the rain, expensive to clean. Completely impractical. I hate them.

  • As a 49-year-old woman, I think there is something lovely about the sight of men dressed in suits. However, I believe it's important that everyone should be free to wear whatever makes them feel comfortable.

    In a work setting (depending on the nature of the job), or something like a wedding, then I think it's nice when people make an effort to look smart. When not in those settings, then I don't think it matters how they choose to dress.