Is this an Asperger’s thing? If so what’s it called?

  • Does anyone get a fixation on a thought or see something that they don’t like but for some reason they have to keep on thinking about it or looking at it even if it’s distressing. Almost like a compulsion even though you don’t like what it is. It’s an embarrassing example. But I recently was informed about a sexual practice I found repulsive and weird but can’t stop thinking about it for some reason. Sorry for the weird example, it’s the most recent one. Is this an Asperger’s thing. If so what’s it called?
  • I get that. It would be nice if anyone had some techniques to deal with it.

  • Similar obsessive ideas enter my thoughts. I do not know how to describe what I do, but I ruthlessly mentally stamp on them and reject them. I know that these types of thoughts would rule and ruin my life, if I let them. One thing I have noticed is that doing this straight away is the most effective way of dealing with them. My psychiatrist said that these intrusive thoughts were a facet of my autism, rather than a separate condition.

  • Similar obsessive ideas enter my thoughts. I do not know how to describe what I do, but I ruthlessly mentally stamp on them and reject them. I know that these types of thoughts would rule and ruin my life, if I let them. One thing I have noticed is that doing this straight away is the most effective way of dealing with them. My psychiatrist said that these intrusive thoughts were a facet of my autism, rather than a separate condition.

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