Reactions to diagnosis

How did people react to you telling them you have autism? 

For me personally my family were mostly accepting and happy for me. My dad wasn't very supportive, he's never liked me much, always thought I was fussy and didn't try hard enough in things I do. At school I used to have meltdowns because of how stressful it was and I struggled with processing but my dad said I was overreacting and attention seeking. He's never understood.

My grandparents weren't very supportive either, though my Gramps was unbelievably supportive and happy for me which did surprise me. Gramps is now my best friend, my rock, I know I can turn to him no matter what about absolutely anything. We are so close. He's more of a dad to me than my own dad is, sad but true.

When I was attempting work I decided to tell one of my colleagues that I have autism. Her reply "you don't look autistic..." After that day I found my mind constantly trying to figure out what autism actually looks like. Me, apparently.

Overall telling people of my diagnosis was well received but there have been a few people who didn't unfortunately understand, or didn't try to understand. Most people though were supportive and happy for me.

  • I’ve had similar reactions. My mum helped me get diagnosed she was sceptical at first but was supportive and has been learning with me about what my diagnosis means and all that, also were pretty sure she’s also on the spectrum too the more she learns! 

    my mum told her side of the family as I asked her too, I didn’t want to individually tell people, like how do you even slide that into conversation. they were supportive, some confused, my cousin was worried about me and if I’d be okay but mum pointed out I’ve always been autistic, it’s just new I know about it now. My Nan like your gramps surprised me the most, she’s been really trying and backing me up, she checks in more and can tell when I’m close to meltdowns or panic attacks. 

    However likw you with your dad I had the same with mly my step mum actually. I got a lot of the same comments growing up that I was attention seeking and all that, even tho she was a TA for SEN children so why she didn’t spot it I don’t know. But now I’m diagnosed She will not acknowledge it at all, I’d started trying out different fidget toys to see what helped me most and found one that worked and was excited to share that with my dad and her, but she almost seemed embarrassed or just ignored it when it came up, my dad is getting there tho he tries his best and has definitely taken things on board, lots of open/honest conversations which I was terrified to have but worked out better than I thought.

    I found out in my final year of uni and those that I’d lived with or I’d been myself with I guess weren’t surprised it almost was like oh yeah that makes sense, the more I explained it the more they were like ‘how did you not get diagnosed sooner’ but I still haven’t told my childhood friends, I honestly don’t know how too, I don’t see them often as I live further away now but I do feel it’s holding me back from being close with them, I’ve thought about just posting it not like an announcement just randomly pop it in a post, just to avoid having to tell them all. I’m worried they’ll react differently to my uni friends, either treat me differently or I dunno not take it seriously?

    i also had a weird reaction in the place I last worked, I was a TA in a primary school, with other autistic teachers being ‘out’ I guess which is why I told my head as I thought it would help them to know and help me have some support I guess? Well I found friends in those who were on the spectrum which was amazing and finally felt understood but I was shocked by the little understanding and empathy colleagues had towards those who were on the spectrum, lots of stereotypical jokes, things going to the drs when we burnt out ‘cured us of autism’ for a school who I observed being incredibly understanding and supportive of children with ASD to have absolutely none towards their staff was very confusing!

    sorry this was long I’ve had a lot of different reactions and I always over explain but hope it helps in some way

  • I always seem to find it hard to tell people that I am autistic. 

    My family are very happy for me and proud, I have two sisters who are also autistic which is nice Slight smile

    When I told my best friend after recently getting a diagnosis, she said she was really sorry for me that I have problems (I was confused because my mum had told me autism was a superpower)

    I have told quite a few other people at my school and most of them have said 'Really? Wait, what actually is autism?' and then I have to quickly explain it to them which is kind of a nightmare when you are bad at explaining things. 

    I have also told a few other people and it turns out they are autistic too and i am good friends with them now.