Applying for PIP support

Hi Folks, I am an 29 year old male who has Aspergers. I've had PIP in the past, but I was taken off of it in 2019, and due to family circumstances, including a death in the family, I never chased it. I've recived the forms and I'm getting help from CAB to fill them in. I don't have a lot in the way of evidence but I do have a diagnosis, I have IBS and Anxiety/Depression. 

Should I bother and write how it affects me? Because I don't have a ton of evidence. 

  • I have Asperger's and currently waiting on my PIP being renewed. They refused to renew from 13th January, as they did twice before. They thing Autism just goes away and don't like paying out for it. Looking like another tribunal to get what I'm entitled to

  • I have Asperger's and currently waiting on my PIP being renewed. They refused to renew from 13th January, as they did twice before. They thing Autism just goes away and don't like paying out for it. Looking like another tribunal to get what I'm entitled to

  • nah they understand autism its just that it doesnt raise enough need for pip.

    thats why they have questions with points... where the points you get are for saying you cant go to the toilet unassisted or cant cross a road without help or cant do anything.... and most people with autism can actually do all of these things without assistance... so it doesnt qualify for pip support because it doesnt  have these impacts on your life that restrict your life in these ways and require this select help.

    theres even people who had their legs amputated, they could get pip when they was struggling, but as soon as they could manage to walk on their own with prosthetics and was helping themselves their pip got taken away as they suddenly could do things themselves without help... so even worse cases are not infact entitled to pip by the standards set out in the questions.