Feel better today and I’ve learnt some lessons along the way

Hi I still feel down but I have heard from Rikki he will contact me in the next day or so hopefully. I am going to knock the booze on the head for a while and will only smoke my cbd vape leaving the weed well alone for a while. Yes I do smoke it from time to time not proud to admit that but we all have our bad habits. Today I am going to play with my Lego go for a walk and then attend my board game club this evening. One thing I have learnt is never act out on impulse as it only ends up badly and to respect others when they need space and not to go to their place uninvited especially when they said I don’t want to see you right now as that ends very badly. I have been given another chance I will not blow this. 

  • Rach, we are conditioned to say "Weed is Bad" whillst the alternatives pushed by the MH people are often way worse, in a diffferent more life consuming way)

    Long term use of alcohol CLEARLY ruins peoples bodies way more that many other drugs too.  

    The trap with weed is this:

    It makes you feel good. (At least it does me, that's why I smoked my second one..) 

    Then gradually norrmality creeps in and you want it to last a bit longer so you fire up the second one.

    In a working context where you ONLY smoke after work, you can smoke your little weed and unless it drives you psychotic like that girl last week (alledgedly, I learned back in 1978 not to trust the mainstream reporting of weed related matters) you are golden.

    However if you "wake and bake" like I do (I no longer have formal work, nor do I need to interact with others very much, or maintain any social status, none of which is helped by being stoned) Don't expect to get an awful lot done..

    I found immediately that the weed offset my raging ADHD and genuinely benefitted me, but it took me another 2 decades for me to actually admit that was why I smoked it regularly.

    The "social programming" we all receive suggested to me that I was just "lying to myself because I was an addict", and for a long time I believed it. I stopped many times, but every times the "troubles" returned through my own impulsive behaviour which cannabis dampens down rather effectvely, and I didn't seem to experience any withdrawal effects at all, so restarting was a bit of a no-brainer for me, especially as I don't like what alcohol does to me.

    My point being, Only treat your use of weed as a bad thing, if for you it really IS a bad thing.

    Otherwise you are just spreading "fake news". 

    Personally I'd make all drug use in adults a non crime in and of itself, BUT you'd need to take a test and indicate that you have full knowledge of the upsides and downsides of the drug(s) you use. That would include ALL drugs including alcohol adn pharma meds.

    If you take a drug to alter yourself YOU are responsible, not society, not a pusher (whether Doctor, or illegal) for your own actions. If you get hooked and cannot mange your habit then that is YOUR problem not societies, and under my system you took a test to prove your competency.

    We can then legitimately and fairly go after parents and pushers who get kids into drugs. (Especially those crappy parents who are SO PLEASED to see their child take their first toke...) 

    A drug habit is just like a mortgage, some people have little trouble making the payments, some people should NEVER get a mortage (I personally have had far more serious trouble around mortgages than my weed ever gave me.) You can stop the weed and your life doesn't fall apart!. 

    As for your "dropping by unnanounced", real friends won't be bothered.

    They'll tell you if it's inconvenient, and let you in if it isn't. 

    You being a real friend will be prepared for either eventuality, and therefore will not commit the social sin of looking disappointed if they are busy,