Autism Exploited

In an ongoing matter involving Social Services, a social worker, an independent social worker, a hospital official, a representative of CAFCASS, and even her own legal representation, my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties. Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

Each of the aforementioned parties makes it's own interpretation as it sees fit, and in many cases, her words have been chosen for her..

Does anyone have any comment or advice..?

  • They also hope that you are too tired and ashamed to appeal. The vast majority of appeals are won, but many claimants are just not in any shape to fight.

  • This sort of thing is horrific, and maybe it sometimes emerges from flaws in the processes. Sometimes people abuse the care systems to bring an unruly or embarrassing family member into compliance, and that is truly horrifying. I wonder if there are advocacy groups available so that someone being treated unfairly can request review or oversight.

  • Sorry Debbie only just saw this. Hi there and thanks for taking an interest. Fact is, having known her all of her life, no one could be better placed to support her than I am. We've developed a means of communication over many years, and trust and confidence are well established. Of course, the social woorker assigned to her case quickly identified me as a potential obstacle, and having never spoken to, seen, or in any way ever met me, suggested all manner of defamatory speculation, then declared me 'agressive and abusive' for my objections, and thus excluded me from all matters relating to my niece.

    Her position was soon duplicated across a range of colleagues and associates, including my niece's own solicitor, who having isolated her, proceeded to write a statement on her behalf expressing full agreement with the position of the Social Services.

    For the record, she definitely does not agree with their position, and I am definitely neither aggressive nor abusive. These are disingenuous falsehoods, but apperntly just 'business as usual' among these so called 'professionals'.

    So to answer your question, the support we're seeking is that of an individual to step in and take my place in the interests of my niece. Left unchecked, the various parties involved are grossly misrepresenting her to achieve their predetermined outcome,

    Their motives are a mystery to me, and I can only imagine the social worker took a personal dislike to my niece, the moment they met. She has made countless accusations and allegations, for which she's provided no evidence, or substantiation of any kind.

  • Are you able to find an advocate for your niece?

    my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties.

    What kind of support are you looking for?

    Do you have a set of criteria for this support that your niece meets but the support is still being denied or is she not meeting the criteria?

    Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

    A simple diagnosis isn't enough to get some kinds of support eg. PIP.

    The criteria have to be met.

    More detail would be useful.

  • Thank you, your response is much appreciated. That does indeed seem to be where we're heading, but aside from a question of being too scared, the effects of exhaustion perhaps weigh even heavier.

  • Appeal. You have good chances of winning, although it will take forever. They just hope that you are too scared to appeal.