I'm heartbroken

Every time I fall in love it's with a married woman. I never fall in love with single women. It must be because my grandmother was Russian.

  • Might I suggest it would be good for you to make the first move sometimes? Women rarely do and men can be scared of approaching women. It's possible that being Autistic you don't give out visible signals to men you want romance because as Autistic people we have to have social rules, eye contact, body language etc. explained to us in very clear language. I'm still learning a lot of it myself.

  • while the singles would be single for a reason, likely not be as attractive. 

    Attraction is in the eye of the beholder and everyone is attractive in their own way. There's more to it than what you see, there's personality as well, likes and interests...

    I think like in most of our cases here it's more down to anxiety and the inability to actually interact with people without having a meltdown rather than being unattractive.

  • I'm part of the invisible gang. People don't notice me ever, they didn't at school and they don't now... I'm hoping at some point this will change but I have a horrible feeling it won't.

  • Is this a "Russian = Rush In" joke?

  • I'm hoping to get a boyfriend, or even a friend would be nice lol...But I'm like a ghost people just look right through me. Like I'm not there at all.

    I feel exactly the same and have used the same language - I feel like an invisible ghost walking unseen among the living.

  • well yeah.... all the good looking women would be all taken... thats natural right?... theyd be so attractive that its impossible for them to be single...

    while the singles would be single for a reason, likely not be as attractive. 

  • It can be harder when you're young, it takes time to learn social skills and how to navigate things, I still learn new things every week and I'm 37. It helps to have a good social worker and other people who can help. Good luck to you! And thank you for wishing me well too. I do believe though this woman is the right one!

  • I don't think marriage is that sacred really. Half of people's first marriages end in divorce. Sometimes people think they've found the one but they might find someone they feel more for later on. She definitely showed interest in me, she touched my leg a few times, put her phone on my leg during a barbecue and did a lot of favours for me that were not always above board.

  • I'm sorry you've found this. I hope you will find the right woman for you in the end.

    I'm hoping to get a boyfriend, or even a friend would be nice lol...But I'm like a ghost people just look right through me. Like I'm not there at all.

  • There is always someone for everyone

    I wish that were true 

  • There is always someone for everyone. Perhaps it's because they've got settled and seem reliable in terms of their loyalties and professions of love to their significant other. Maybe you like the trust factor they have and want some of that also. 

  • Plus, men who care get taken advantage of.

    For every stable relationship, there are at least twenty toxic ones.

  • I doubt it's in the genes, but you might want to consider why married women are attractive to you, such that maybe you could unpick that then could perhaps have a relationship with someone who is actually available and might reciprocate.