How do you cope with work?

I’ve worked in hospitality/customer service the whole of my adult life and always struggled, My recent autism diagnosis has made me realise how detrimental pushing myself to do this job is to my wellbeing. I have a meeting with work tomorrow to make reasonable adjustments - I’m on a zero hour contract as well and barely getting by with benefits. My mood is so slow and anxiety so high at the minute I’m struggling to do anything. I’ve applied to some remote jobs and disability benefits but feel like a failure. I’m just so tired of pushing myself to do things like this when it’s so stressful for me. I’m not sure what adjustments can be made or to go off work sick? Just feel so guilty because I love working and don’t want people to think I’m being lazy. I feel lazy by not working but I’m struggling, and rent and bills are so high.

  • It took me a few years of having no income, and then trying to work on low hour jobs to burnout and back to no.income again repeating back and fore in the last 15 years before I eventually was able to claim for suckness benefit with help from the autism people as I had eventually tracked down I could be on the spectrum. I was kinda suicidal by then because I was desperate. Had to sell house, classic car, camper.. All things I had bought when I was able to manage full time for a while until things collapsed around me when I could no longer mask and hit the first massive burnout.

    Had to have Mums friend to help me claim benefits because even though I am intelligent, I could not do their onlime system, and I was about to chuck the doctors sicknote out of frustration about a month later when Mum remembered the lady she knkws, but then had to wait two weeks for her to be available on her day off as she was working for Mind. 

    The benefits office were womderful. Complete opposite to how they had been to me in the past. Different staff from the past and I had full on support. They encouraged me to apply for PIP but rhe system was stacked against me. Even recently when being assessed the assessor asked why I didn't get PIP and I told hi! what had happened. None of the issues I had fit the boxes so I dis not have a single point. Is the same with the work review when I knew I could no longer work as I was in such an internal.mess that I knew if I tried I would get an even worse breakdown than I had before. Last time scared me as I had how to walk as my mind was hi s hard because I pushed and kept pushing... (I was in retail but usually in the semi- skilled work round the back of the store).

    Aftwr two years  of caing Uncersa Credit I had a work rvew and it was th sae forms as PIP so I had the same issues. I went in to quit claiming benefits and go with no income again but the actions of the benefits office staff saved me. They directly contaxted their superiors and copied my scribbled notes (Was not intending for anyone to read them but for me to explan how I felt. Personal reminder...) and sent it to head office. The decision was appealed and won. I am one who never appeals! if someone says no it is a no. The benefits office took over and were wonderful, as they knew how I was. I remember my work coach arranging I see their dissability officer and while talking to her in the private officer, I started to have a shutdown and was almost full out on the floor. The dissability lady was absolutely brilliant. She knew what it was as her son gets them and instantly knew what to do so I could recover! She was the first person I had ever come across in my life that knew what to do, as most people make things worse and I go into repeat shutdowns. She was absolutely wonderful and I only ever saw her that once! Her name was Angela and she was working at the Llanelli benefits office before covid struck. Neve saw her after covid or my then work coach, as new staff replaced thrm. But it made a masive difference to find people that understood. 

    I am one that wants to recover... But it has been four years since then and I am not back to how I was yet. I am much better but still facing the tell tale signs of the aftermath of burnout such as balance issues and heightened anxiety/stress... (Why I have to be careful I don't end up buring out again as it could get serious). Last time I wrote down all my internet passwords and was hoping if I became worse, that I would remember where I had put them as my mind was in trouble! It is frightening when one forgets how to walk!

    But I did not get PIP.  The gentleman who assessed me was surprized by this! I could not bring anyone with me on the day as my Mum had to look after my brothers children at short notice and PIP is not as important as a school meeting. (I asked if they could pospone the meeting but children take priority. So I lost the ability to claim.PIP as on my ownI was unable to explain things and the lady I saw. She asked me "If you are in a shutdown, could you write instructions to send someone out to the shops to buy you things? (I am unable to see, move, speak or even think while in a shutdown so I had to answer "No". She said as I answered no, I am not eligable to get PIP payments, and she had me agree to her so I wouldn't persue the claim.any further and that was that).

  • It took me a few years of having no income, and then trying to work on low hour jobs to burnout and back to no.income again repeating back and fore in the last 15 years before I eventually was able to claim for suckness benefit with help from the autism people as I had eventually tracked down I could be on the spectrum. I was kinda suicidal by then because I was desperate. Had to sell house, classic car, camper.. All things I had bought when I was able to manage full time for a while until things collapsed around me when I could no longer mask and hit the first massive burnout.

    Had to have Mums friend to help me claim benefits because even though I am intelligent, I could not do their onlime system, and I was about to chuck the doctors sicknote out of frustration about a month later when Mum remembered the lady she knkws, but then had to wait two weeks for her to be available on her day off as she was working for Mind. 

    The benefits office were womderful. Complete opposite to how they had been to me in the past. Different staff from the past and I had full on support. They encouraged me to apply for PIP but rhe system was stacked against me. Even recently when being assessed the assessor asked why I didn't get PIP and I told hi! what had happened. None of the issues I had fit the boxes so I dis not have a single point. Is the same with the work review when I knew I could no longer work as I was in such an internal.mess that I knew if I tried I would get an even worse breakdown than I had before. Last time scared me as I had how to walk as my mind was hi s hard because I pushed and kept pushing... (I was in retail but usually in the semi- skilled work round the back of the store).

    Aftwr two years  of caing Uncersa Credit I had a work rvew and it was th sae forms as PIP so I had the same issues. I went in to quit claiming benefits and go with no income again but the actions of the benefits office staff saved me. They directly contaxted their superiors and copied my scribbled notes (Was not intending for anyone to read them but for me to explan how I felt. Personal reminder...) and sent it to head office. The decision was appealed and won. I am one who never appeals! if someone says no it is a no. The benefits office took over and were wonderful, as they knew how I was. I remember my work coach arranging I see their dissability officer and while talking to her in the private officer, I started to have a shutdown and was almost full out on the floor. The dissability lady was absolutely brilliant. She knew what it was as her son gets them and instantly knew what to do so I could recover! She was the first person I had ever come across in my life that knew what to do, as most people make things worse and I go into repeat shutdowns. She was absolutely wonderful and I only ever saw her that once! Her name was Angela and she was working at the Llanelli benefits office before covid struck. Neve saw her after covid or my then work coach, as new staff replaced thrm. But it made a masive difference to find people that understood. 

    I am one that wants to recover... But it has been four years since then and I am not back to how I was yet. I am much better but still facing the tell tale signs of the aftermath of burnout such as balance issues and heightened anxiety/stress... (Why I have to be careful I don't end up buring out again as it could get serious). Last time I wrote down all my internet passwords and was hoping if I became worse, that I would remember where I had put them as my mind was in trouble! It is frightening when one forgets how to walk!

    But I did not get PIP.  The gentleman who assessed me was surprized by this! I could not bring anyone with me on the day as my Mum had to look after my brothers children at short notice and PIP is not as important as a school meeting. (I asked if they could pospone the meeting but children take priority. So I lost the ability to claim.PIP as on my ownI was unable to explain things and the lady I saw. She asked me "If you are in a shutdown, could you write instructions to send someone out to the shops to buy you things? (I am unable to see, move, speak or even think while in a shutdown so I had to answer "No". She said as I answered no, I am not eligable to get PIP payments, and she had me agree to her so I wouldn't persue the claim.any further and that was that).
