Being mocked for the way you look by strangers


  • When such things happen to me I like to assemble a quick and humourous reply to use in such a situation. I found I rarely get to use them, it happens a lot less often than it seems.

    "You think I look funny"? "Just wait and see what a bit age and changing fashion does to you! Whoo Hooo!".

    Shakes head, Walks away..

    On the rare times I ever get to use a pre-prepared set piece like that, I'm usually several steps away before they can come up with an answer.

    For the days when I have no answer to other peoples casual or designed rudeness, I'm extremely practiced at the art of "Ignorance", not even letting a flicker of understanding cross my face...

    Where I have enough pre-determined strategy, things don't bother me.      

  • I have been experiencing things like all my life, I have vivid memories of being insulted that will stay with me forever. Even people who knew of me but didn’t know me did it, 
    I grew up in a village too, i think that city living helps. Ambiguity.

  • I need to remember about stoicism. Why am I letting stupid things I cannot control affect me? I cannot change the behaviour of others, but I can change my reaction to it (although, it's often easier said than done!).

  • My problem was with family rather than strangers, especially my father who spent years ranting and raving that we must never be seen together in public. Shouting, " what will people say what will people think" of him if we were ever seen together.

  • The dumbest creatures on Earth are teenagers. Even children are smarter.

    It's like humans regress through teen years and early 20's. Then start to smart up again.

    You can just ignore the idiots. Because they're idiots. They'll probably grow up to be miserable pathetic creatures anyway.

  • Do teenage boys just make fun of anyone, even adult men in the street that they don't know?

    Frankly, yes....a lot of them do......unless there is a reason for them not to.

    Accordingly, it is right and proper to ignore them and quietly pity them (along with many of our daft societal norms at the moment.)

    I just want to be able to walk down the street undisturbed

    Being "disturbed" in this sense, is a "state of mind."  You can alter your state of mind by deciding that they are just sad, misled and tragic little male humans, who hold no power over your state of mind.  I do appreciate that this takes effort and energy that you may prefer not to spend on such matters - but here we find ourselves!

  • Before I started transitioning to male this used to happen to me around 20 times a week, because of the footwear I wear to manage a disability. Mostly middle aged men but sometimes younger men/boys. Since I changed my wardrobe to men's clothes and started taking T it's rare, maybe once or twice a month. Footwear hasn't changed.

  • Unfortunately children of that age will always do things like this. It's in their nature, they still need to mature. You won't be the only one they do this to so please don't take it personally and let them upset you.

    Last year I went past my local Tesco and there was a group of boys and girls of that age and they were laughing as I went past. It's a child/teen thing.

  • Have some trusted normie adult check your looks. Many aspies have no dress sense and end up dressing like hobos or crazy people

  • How old are you? When I was at high school I had this - guys my age doing things like that, calling me "ugly" etc. Then I went to uni and had all these really good looking girls after me, which made it pretty clear how dumb those guys were. 

    I wouldn't trust, or respect, the opinions of a bunch of bored teenagers loafing around. Just ignore them. You won't look funny, it's just teenagers being teenagers. Heck, all you need is a birthmark on your forehead and people that age will treat it like it's the final days of Rome.

    Just relax and don't worry about it. 

  • Mate, they are 13 years old. People of that age do this kind of things. Just ignore them. If you are really concerned about your looks, ask for an adult to take a look at you and comment honestly.