pulling your eye lashes out

Does any one else pull their top eye lashes out. I have been doing it for over 10 yrs now and i haven't been able to stop.

  • I kept pulling my eyelashes out on one side and after a while they didn't grow back properly and I have a permanent gap in my eyelashes and the other eyelashes grow wonky there as a result. Unless that was just a coincidence.

    I do skin picking and hair pulling. I've been trying very hard not to lately, and I have got a lot better, but sometimes, especially when nervous or concentrating hard (during calls at work especially) I will realise for the previous 10 minutes I've been pulling hairs out or picking my skin.

    When I realise I'm doing it, I try to do an alternative stim, and that has helped me. For example twist my hand/forearm very fast left and right, it provides me with a nice physical feedback. But I have never found a stim which is like that sensation when a hair comes out (I love it). It's like a minor pain, which doesn't really hurt, and for some reason, provides relief?

    I grew a big beard and I like to run my hands through the beard, it's a good stim. A hair might come out, but it's not what I'm aiming for. It just provides pressure on the beard which tugs on the follicles and feels good. I love that feeling and it's impossible to pull my beard off because it's curly and the hairs united are strong.

  • But I have never found a stim which is like that sensation when a hair comes out (I love it). It's like a minor pain, which doesn't really hurt, and for some reason, provides relief?

    I imagine I feel and hear a tiny pop. It’s the most incredibly satisfying sensation.

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