Ear defenders or headphones for sound sensitivity

I'm looking for some recommendations or advice from anyone else with noise sensitivity. I currently use loop ear plugs to help reduce noise levels but I don't really like them because of the horrible echo of my heartbeat and breathing, I can't decide what's worse, the external noise or feeling trapped in my own head. I also find that my own voice feels really loud so I talk too quietly and can't communicate with my husband without taking them out. I was wondering if ear defenders or music headphones would be better? I am looking to get two sets, one that just muffles sound so that I can still hear my husband when we are out and another set that completely blocks out everything (possibly music headphones because I find my own music soothing) for when I need to brave the shops alone. I know the best option is to try them out in a shop but I really hate shops!

It would also be nice to hear if anyone has any other coping mechanisms for sensory overload or just to know that I'm not alone. This has been a relatively recent issue for me because I've taken medication for depression and anxiety for all of my adult life until about a year ago. My meds were interacting with another medication that I was taking so I had to stop. As soon as I came off my meds it was like someone turned up the volume! If I'm stressed even the running of a tap or my husband unzipping his coat causes me distress!

I apologise in advance if I am slow replying or if my replies seem unfriendly or formal, I haven't worked out the rules of social online communication yet and find it a bit scary. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate you reading this.

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  • Hi

    I don’t appear to suffer too badly with day to day noises, I’m in construction so maybe I have been doing it that long it’s ok. 
    Since my discovery though I do notice I have ringing in my ears which before I realised I never noticed (strange)

    I also struggle to concentrate with multiple sounds/voices going on so have ordered some Loop Switch plugs. They arrive tomorrow so hopefully I’ll get on with them ok.

    I do wear ear defenders at work (so big cans essentially) which are great but walking with them on is horrendous, it feels like your teeth are going to rattle out !

    Hope you find something that’s right for you and I will keep checking back as after tomorrow I might need to start looking for something else 

    good luck