Is it possible to have a meltdown and a shutdown at the same time?

Hi I’m just wondering if it’s possible to experience a meltdown and a shut down at the same time? Last night I felt that might have happened to me. I have been going through a these last few months issues with my boyfriend and the Claire’s law enquiry plus me and my boyfriend had another argument on top of everything last night which caused him to block my number temporarily. I just exploded none of my friends were available for support I was alone I couldn’t sit in my flat so I went out for a few hours head spinning with bad thoughts and when I eventually got in at 11:30 at night bang I exploded straight after that I just shut down my friend messaged me I was horrible to her wasn’t thinking straight I guess. I didn’t sleep last night I was just lying on my bed starring into space. Over my boyfriends now and I’m exhausted. 

  • Im sorry you had a bad day

    I dont know if you could have both at the same time. I know a shutdown could lead to a meltdown and vice versa. Maybe certain aspects of a shutdown could occur during a meltdown, but to me they seem more like opposite reactions for them to both be completely there at the same time.