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Help needed!

Hello everyone! I am currently working on my Master's thesis titled: "Addressing Pragmatic Language Understanding Challenges in ASD through AI-Enhanced Semantic Processing", where I present the pragmatic challenges that individuals on the autistic spectrum might face in daily social interaction and suggest Natural Language Processing system interventions that will aid with the most prominent pragmatic issues, and, hopefully, the model concept could be further developed and work on it would be initiated with the collaboration of autistic adults and AI professionals if the research goes well. I would deeply appreciate it if you kindly lend me some of your time for interviews and questionnaires because your input is the most important piece of this project and undoubtedly its core. Thank you.  

  • Hi Amira,

    As Peter has helpfully pointed out already, we don't allow people to post research, studies, surveys, questionnaires etc on the NAS online community without approval. This is rule 10 of the community rules:

    • Requests for research study subjects and surveys need to be directed to for data protection and research ethics reasons. Further information can be found on our research pages. Please be advised that any requests for research subjects or surveys posted on the Community will be deleted without warning.  

    So for the moment I am going to lock this thread, but if you get permission from the research team you can repost it, or someone can unlock it for you.

    Best wishes,
    Ross - mod

  • email

  • Thanks for letting me know. How do I request approval? 

  • In case you haven’t already you will need to get approval from the mods before you can post a request for research participation.