Where's the off switch? There isn't one.

One of the biggest difficulties I have is monotropic thoughts and when I'm feeling overloaded it's harder to deal with. It's absolutely useless thinking but I can't stop. I've noticed these thoughts offer a degree of certainty. Not about the situation itself but for my own head. As in, it knows what it's going to be thinking about.

What I've been faced with in the past is very unexpected change in direction and then my brain doesn't know what to do with itself. I've had slight experience of that recently which has been a welcome break but also left me feeling off.

I meditate every day. I take supplements. I accept the fact it's how my brain is. I allow it to wander freely where it wants to and understand "thoughts are just thoughts". It's not going to run out of steam of its own accord. I've faced the nature of these thoughts time and again through life. Now I know what's going on it doesn't help except I feel less confused. Ive read other threads and know there's other people like this. I try to keep myself busy but other health matters impede on this. 

I'll probably delete this after I've posted it like I always do. There's nothing anyone can do I just needed to get it off my chest.

  • "The mark of a man"


    How old do you think I am!


  • How old do you think I am!

    "The mark of a man"

  • Either way....

    Do you remember renaming a thread to include a random spam (meat) related discussion?

    Well, this one will now have to be 'Where's the off switch and classic, cheesey 1970s' adverts':


    Try singing this one!

  • It will now be in my head until something else takes over!

    (and it will be your fault).

    Either way....


  • I've had this song in my head since you posted.

    This happens to me all day long, the word association with songs.

    So, this is the version I remember from my childhood - Frank Muir.

    Terrible version though image quality wise:


    It will now be in my head until something else takes over!

    (and it will be your fault).

  • I've had this song in my head since you posted. 


    I don't remember this particular advert (who knew a sultry chocolate bar, seducing a male office worker would make you want to go out and buy the product!?) but do remember other ads featuring it.

  • Am I wrong in speculating that they are some part of a primitive but useful, life-maintaining response system?

    I have no idea on that one! I think life-maintaining response system could be more "fight, flight, freeze".

  • On reflection, Ive learned from the above how much feeling overloaded can have an effect on processing.

    I've noticed how when I'm overloaded I can hardly process anything. If there's something big going on then my whole mind is occupied, unable to focus on anything else, including eating and drinking. The more intently I focus on something the louder inside my mind gets, there's no volume button just LOUD - great way of imagining this by the way.

    Meditation is something I've tried doing as well and it can help, not always, but usually it will bring me back down and allow me to breathe and settle.

    I see you are new. Welcome!

    Thank you!

  • Interesting to hear that they are called ‘monotropic’.

    I like your post: it articulated my situation also.  There’s no point in fighting these because they are more powerful than my attempt to stop them.  Am I wrong in speculating that they are some part of a primitive but useful, life-maintaining response system? 

  • When I was confused about myself and my intent

    It's this bit. I understand now, where it comes from...it's automatic. It doesnt make me a bad person like I was led to believe. Just autistic!

  • On reflection, Ive learned from the above how much feeling overloaded can have an effect on processing. I might chalk the sbove up as another 'warning sign' of approaching burnout.

    Meditation has had a positive effect and 'results' speak for themselves. I'm not preaching about it as it's up to people what they choose to do but I think it's one of the single best things anyone can do regardless of their brain wiring. Our brains have plasticity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8rRzTtP7Tc

    It isn't a miracle cure... it is often still struggle.....sometimes we have to roll with it and take the rough with the smooth.

    Generally there's so much going on in my head it's like being in a busy supermarket and can't hear myself think, or make sense of anything that's going on.

    I like this. I think it can also come down having difficulty prioritising thoughts. Everything shouts in my head at the same volume - LOUD. 

    I see you are new. Welcome!

  • I'm glad you made this post. I relate to this a lot. My thoughts are all over the place, always seem to be racing and give me little peace. My brain seems to have a mind of its own, does what it wants when it wants.

    Generally there's so much going on in my head it's like being in a busy supermarket and can't hear myself think, or make sense of anything that's going on.

    I hope your meditation is helping, even if it's only a small help. I hope you feel better after writing the above, sometimes I find writing out stuff can help get a lot off my chest.

  • Yes I mean a slowdown signal. I've said before, it's this sense of needing no input - auditory, visual, thoughts, which you only get when you're asleep but you aren't aware of it at the time. Meditation definitely helps. It is much calmer today, I think it was a combination of factors, poor sleep and on reflection, a challenging few days. I knew at the time it would pass but sometimes in the head its almost like a physical feeling. I think alcohol makes the off switch harder to find overall, especially the morning after, but that might just be me.

  • hmmmmm....I know what you mean (about the booze)....but I actually have come to believe that (for me), the booze merely gives a "normie explanation" for the way that I "need" to behave and "how" I think anyway.  To explain this thing another way = whether I am drunk or sober, my behaviour and thoughts are principally the same.  This was a revelation to me when I stopped drinking.

  • I have found that the off switch only comes when I drink alcohol. When you say “off switch” I assume you mean the slow down signal in the brain rather than suicide because suicide is a bad idea. I take supplements also and meds. I think they help.

  • Much happier now.  Much better able to cope.  Much, much happier............and  c  a   l  m

    Glad to hear it. Me too....most of the time!

  • Nutty as a fruitcake

    Love it! 

  • I was scared that I was either a) mad b) sad c) bad.

    not 'dangerous to know'? (Byron).

    I had a catch-all term for myself - nutty.

    'Nutty as a fruitcake' which has always confused me as there aren't many nuts in a fruitcake Thinking

  • Now I know what's going on it doesn't help except I feel less confused.

    Well, fwiw, I think it helps me MASSIVELY to feel less confused.

    When I was confused about myself and my intent and my motivations, I was scared that I was either a) mad b) sad c) bad.

    It turns out......I'm d) autistic.

    Much happier now.  Much better able to cope.  Much, much happier............and  c  a   l  m .

  • I hope the quarter-disappeared "disappeared" was intentional