Can you have a happy life with Autism?

Hi I'm mum and I'm allistic and my son is autistic. We had a Frank and sobering conversation today which shocked and saddened me but I'm glad in  a way as I'm glad my son was honest with me..he told me in not so many words he'd rather not be alive due to his Autism as in life the one things he feels that matters the most is the emotional side of things which he can't have ie he was upset that he can't even experience those loving interactions that most neuro typical people take for granted..he basically feels very alone. I feel very sad for him and its frustrating as a mum who loves him very much that there is nothing I can do for him. So this is why I have come on here to ask the question of there happiness to be had in this life when you have Autism? He works hard at fending off the depression that he feels as a result of Autism (ie not clinical depression) he exercises as he says that helps his mental state and he tries to eat right and he has stopped drinking alcohol all together. He doesn't feel enthusiastic about getting outside and doing anything as he says it won't make him any happier if he does interact with people even if he took meds to deal with anxiety etc he doesn't see the point.

  • I've seen enough to determine that life is nothing more than an attitude.

    Happy people and sad people both live in the same world. So what's the difference?


    Easier said than done obviously. "Just be happy" he said. Cool, thanks. I'll put it in my diary.

  • I've seen enough to determine that life is nothing more than an attitude.

    You're right, all things being equal.

    We all require our basic needs to be met to be happy.

    Beyond that, I think a lot of it is attitude.

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