Struggling with Uni

I have been struggling with uni assignments and i don't know what to do? I don't know whether its me being autistic or I'm just lazy and a poor student. I've already received leniency with one assignment and i had a second one due today for the same module but i have already missed the deadline. I feel exhausted just looking at what i have written so far and i don't know how to continue. I feel like a complete failure and i know i need to get better coping mechanisms but i feel like i cant do that until i can start afresh. 

  • Hello, I have been having the same problems. I often don’t get very good grades and miss assignments dates. Do you have a passion for your chosen course? I think that’s what personally help me to seek improvement and produce better work on time. The Learning Enhancement Team have really help me with this. Does your uni have a specialist tutor you can attend to support you with uni work and general organisation? Take care. Jai

  • Thanks guys for the advice and support. I ended up applying for an extension, for the essay due today, it is part of my RAR so i should hopefully get it. I was just really didn't want to do it as my previous assignment for that module was two weeks late even after the extension since i was so burnout and it was hard getting back to actually writing essays for the first time. I didn't want to let my lecturer down or make her thing i'm abusing the system so i felt bad. I'm going to focus on the over due essay tomorrow and try go with a fresh perspective as well as possibly having a conversation with my dissertation supervisor so they can support me as well in the future.

    Last year, I did also have an ASD mentor through the uni but for personal reasons thought i should be ok. But after Christmas holidays, im gonna email the uni and see if I can receieve that support again, even just for organising and reassurance that I can ask for help. As well as possible look into dyslexia diagnosis through the uni. I really didn't think final year was going to be like this but oh well. Thank yous all again. 

  • If you haven't done so already I would contact your personal tutor and tell them what's going on and your worries. Have you got a support plan? Your universities disability service provide these and I have found it very useful to have this. Also when you have this support plan, it enables you to get help from the university. Since my diagnosis, I have been able to have a mentor (from spectrum first) I meet with weekly that helps me a lot.

  • - is there someone at the uni you can contact? A tutor? or a disability advisor? They might be worth reaching out to - they might be able to assist you with your current issue, and help you deal better with future ones. Good luck.

  • I dont have any good advice since I am having the same problem (except im not at uni). But youre not a failure Slight smile