Decided to not continue with college.

I started college in September with high hopes as writing and history are two of my strongest strengths, and, I enjoy both immensely. When I'm writing and reading about history I get so enticed I sometimes forget to eat and drink.

But here we are in December and gradually I've started to burn out because of going to college. I mask a lot there and it's taking it out of me. Deciding to put my health and well being first I've told my tutor I won't be going back, she was disappointed but said she understood, and, I think she genuinely did understand.

My dad does not understand. He thinks I should give it more time and try harder. He isn't very supportive and told me I'm using my ASD as an excuse. He thinks I should try harder and he doesn't believe in my diagnosis, I heard him telling my brother that. 

I tried really hard with college but I can't keep going with it because it makes me ill and seriously stressed out. I feel I made the right choice with college but now I'm doubting myself.

I wish people could be more understanding.

  • My advice would be to stay at college. Why should you limit your potential because of autism? You can handle college you are stronger than you think! Don’t give up! I’m rooting for you.

  • Sometimes, no matter how much we try to get other people to understand how our autism can affect us, some people just don't get it. Not because they are being intentionally ignorant, but because we can be affected in ways that are far too complex for them to comprehend.

    If it is of any consolation, I too dropped out of college because I just couldn't cope with the people and the environment. This was more than three decades ago, and I didn't know then that I was autistic.

    I am sorry that your dad isn't very supportive, and I'm sorry that college has caused you to feel ill and stressed out. Just a thought, but if you were to explain how you're feeling to the staff at your college, is it possible that they would allow you to do the bulk of your studying at home? I'm just thinking that if home is your safe space, then it might help to take some of the pressure off.

  • Hi and welcome, I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time.

    Your dad is probably just disappointed that things aren’t turning out as he (and presumably you) hoped. But it’s very difficult for us to put our ourselves in others’ shoes and understand what others are experiencing.

    I found university very difficult for the first 2 or 3 years and looking back on it I don’t know how I got through it, so I do understand how hard life can be. Only you can make that decision for yourself.

    Did you ask your tutor if there were any other options, such as studying fully online? The company I work for has a bunch of apprentices who get to do their courses fully online.

    Whatever you decide, please stay on this forum. If nothing else there are a lot of people here who will be understanding and helpful.
