How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

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  • hee hee. He said "tit".

  • do you understand cause and effect?

    because if you do you know you caused this effect lol

    but ofcourse the people that do a bad thing then get a bad effect in return are too ignorant and unable to self reflect on their actions so i will do you a favour..

    1) i replied to a forum post

    2) you and a weirdo went out of your way to decide to take offence at my post that you wasnt even included in, you chose to go out of your way to interact with me when you could have simply ignored me, then you attacked me and purposely took my comment for that which you know it wasnt.

    bonus round: that other guy turned out to be some sort of creep who sees sexual activity in everything, but yet thats ok and not suspicious?

  • Debbie, Go look at the whole thing as it unfolded. 

    Caelus made a dark joke about cloroform and duct tape which people responded to in an adult and also humourous way, as is what used to be NORMAL behaviour of ND and NT alike. 

    We all knew where we were, even if you don't jibe with Caelus's idea of a joke, you knew that's all it was.

    THEN one of THOSE PEOPLE arrive, to call for an AUTHORITY to censure Caelus for his attempt at a humourous interjection.

    And Caelus kicks off, then you and others kick off and suddenly I've got another thread to unsubscribe from. 

    I personally like Caelus, even if I wince at some of his posting some days*. He hasn't been beaten down into silence yet and he's unafraid to state what every hetero white working male knows is the truth. 

    *Same applied to the author of this soon to be memory holed thread, although perhaps appreciate would be a more accurate word rather than "like" as he was of a similar "take no crap" attitude, and I hope he finds his people (or returns here) real soon. NO one should be shouted at and forced to live alone unless they are real predators who need to be excluded for the public good, and whilst there are a lot of those in the world they are still a small percentage of the overall people but they are much better at avoiding "shunning" than people like us.. 

    Indeed they usually are the instigators of shunning or persecution..