everthing becomes insignificant


I've recently been released from hospital with the worst possible news--- cancer.  I am awaiting results of a biopsy but was told 

not to attach great hope to that result as the cancer is too widespread.

So without further ado I am bowing out of this forum  It has been a great help as an auty, and I wish all health and happiness.--Goodbye

  • Thanks to all for your kind words of encouragment in my struggle with my peritoneal disease with hepatic metastases as described in detail in my copy of the Clinical Narrative Authors Report.  Your words do provide a slim ray of hope, many thanks again, goodbye.

  • I'm so sorry to hear your news. Medics can be overly pessimistic so don't give up hope.

    With very best wishes.

  • We are strictly prohibited here from giving any medical advice or recomendations, but you might like to try to locate the Rick Simpson Video entitled "Running from the Cure".  

    I found it educational  and interested, and have first hand witnessed the stuff in action. I'm no expert but I was very, horrified when I learned and understood the word "Metastasize" some fifty Five years ago, and FWIW, have been keeping an eye on the situation ever since.

    Conventionally speaking there's always stuff like this, coming along, but you still have to go to alternative sources to get the most up to date or detailed information.  

    I'm personally (having taken a deep interest in the subject matter for a long time) LIVID about that massive organisation with the shops everywhere that takes in so much money and actually produces so little, (only the field of nuclear fusion is money and resources being spent more ineffectively). I've seen quite a few people now go through the system (I come from a cancer prone family, which is why learning about it it frightened me so much as a kid) and in my unqualified opinion, our allopathic approach to the condition is not up to the task, It's about time we the public were encouraged (rather than dissuaded by use of law, and innuendo) from trying (and documenting) alternative treatment strategies, those of us who would want to.

    I can state unequvicably, that as an occasional (every few years) sufferer of warts, I no longer burn cut or freeze my warts, I get a tiny drop of RSO and try to remember to keep putting a bit on the growing wart each day, it seems to stop growing, pretty quickly then slowly "fade back into my normal skin".  It doesn't seem to work on older long established warts, but I lack the self discipline to really do it properly on a wart that isn't bothering me, but when they start I can feel them, it's an unpleasant sensation and so I'm more motivated, to be diligent. Sadly, until a clinical trial is done, only characters like myself take any real interest in testing things like RSO...

    Almost undoubtedly someone will appear to mount a scathing attack on some aspect of this post, but I know that ONE DAY if I keep this up, SOMEONE will actually derive some hardcore massive beneifit from something I've spread (I have lots of small sucesses, but for very understandable reasons, the trifecta with RSO, (passing on the info, someone trying it out, and getting similar results to what I have observed still eludes me even after 8 years of randomly mentioning RSO to strangers. 

    We all have a 50/50 odds now of getting a cancer (they quietly revised the ratio about 12 years ago fro some reason) and depending on the type and location  cancer I get if I do, it's not automatic that R.S.O. will be my go-to, but for many cancers it would be.  

  • Wishing you all the very best

  • take some hope though, in that most cancer is actually harmless and curable.

    i know a great many people who have survived cancer.... one of my dads friends daughters, and a asociate i knew from kung fu... although that was all breast cancer.... it seems breast cancer has a very high survival rate but yet is pretty common... but yeah, alot of them are very survivable so dont give up on hope just yet. 

  • Dearest 86592,

    Dude......."Hope springs eternal."

    Crap odds are better than no odds at all.

    It has been a pleasure to read you and interact with you here.

    Never say never.......don't delete yourself (my advice only)......just in case you fancy dipping back in when your head stops spinning!!

    I am glad you have found this place to be a help, and If we hear no more from you, I wish you a fine and happy rest of your life, most sincerely.

    Warmest regards


  • Pain is not the best Teacher, it's the ONLY Teacher.

    Love and vibes, your way!

  • OMG I'm so very sorry!!!

    Sending you big hugs and thinking of you right now Two hearts

  • Oh my goodness I am so incredibly sorry to be reading this. Sending some virtual hugs your way!

  • Oh man. I'm sorry you've received such news. I am in a similar situation so feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to. Please take care. I will pray for you.

  • Sorry to hear that. I wish you well. 

  • I’m sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best.