Because of my oh so autistic brain I had a meltdown because I got in the post

I was feeling brave the other day so I  decided to push the boat and when the postman knocked on the door I answered it. I didn’t want to who does?

It’s a stranger at the door

In seconds my brain had created loads of negative scenarios
What if the postman is ill and I get ill?
What if I he comments on me?
What if I faint?
What if he starts talking and I have to commit to a conversation?

This and more was going through my head

Before I reached the door I was filled with terrible anxiety, my
stomach became swollen and painful, chest hurt, heart racing and I was feeling sweaty like I had a fever

But like a crazy person I answered the door anyway

Guess I was expecting it to go well for some weird reason

it was the postman. he had a parcel and some letters. He asked the name and I said yes

And then he decided to make small talk. Nice weather isn’t it. Looking back now I’m guessing this was a humour statement as it’s clearly not nice weather

at the time I said no and then fearing he was going to
say something again and I was really starting to feel ill by now I said bye and closed the door

The look he gave me as the door closed was... I don’t know not a nice look

He probably thought me an arrogant and rude woma jad he seen what took place after he wouldn’t have thought that hope not anyway

Afterwards I fell to pieces. Crying and shaking I was sick twice. And now I’m left feeling totally exhausted and my body is aching all over

My muscles are tense painful headache like someone’s squeezing my head

I went from feeling brave and confident answering the door to feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and feeling a complete failure

Confidence shattered in a heartbeat

Now in bed resting and feeling terrible online I can be so sociable feel happy calm and safe

In person I’m shy and awkward.

Times like this I feel nothing but hate towards myself

This was days ago and I'm still tired and aching. It's like a bomb goes off in me and my body has to heal again after.

I'm going to rest again now I'm super tired right now x

  • Hi everyone

    I know it's been a while but I wanted to say a big thank you and express how deeply grateful I am for your support here

    It means so much and I really do appreciate everything you guys do for me it's overwhelmingly kind and amazing of you! Thank you so much!

    I wish my parents understood like you all do️.

    It's been a long crazy week but things are finally looking brighter :) my mental health got a bit low but I'm hyped up again now

    I've read all your lovely comments - some of them were really funny actually ^^ 

    Thank you so so much to you all you're all amazing. I love this community! :—) 

  • Hi Goosey, glad you are feeling better

    (second reply as first has been reported as abuse, (must be more careful with the word glad!)

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