How long to receive appointment from autism service after sending forms?

Should I have heard back from the NHS autism diagnostic service by now? I posted my forms (childhood questionnaires etc) back to them two weeks ago. The letter I received with the forms said they'd discharge me if they didn't hear from me by October 26. Do you think I should email them? I can't use a phone.

  • Yes I was referred to them by Merseycare for my assessments, as NHS are overloaded. It was a surprise as I was just patiently waiting, after being told it could be a 10 year wait when originally referred by my therapist.

  • I was sent the forms around two years after my GP referral. After returning them I was contacted by email within two weeks to set up an initial screening appointment. My remaining appointments took place over the following four months.

    I think the process differs so much between different areas that other peoples experience isn't necessarily what will happen in your case. If you can email them just to confirm they have received the completed forms I would do that.

  • For me it was about 4 months after returning the forms

  • That's weird, because Clinical Partners are newly set up via RTC, could be that the original team sent your referral to them, but either way I am glad you finally got your appointment.

  • I was originally referred to NHS Merseycare in 2017/18, Clinical Partners contacted me 5 years after my original referral, I didn't know who they were until they phoned me.

  • Hi Christine, this is very helpfui. Can I ask when you were referred for Clinical Partners, I was referred in late September so hoping I hear from them soon.

  • I was referred to local NHS service after filling in the forms. I finally heard from Clinical Partners after NHS sent my referral to them, five years after my original referral. Then I made an appointment for two weeks later with Clinical Partners had my two separate Autism assessments on Video call, and got a diagnosis video appointment two weeks later, and my full written diagnosis four weeks later on my Clinical Partners portal. Clinical Partners are only a diagnostic service the NHS uses, any follow up or treatment you would need to contact your local NHS who originally referred you.

    I would recommend emailing them, or asking a person you trust to phone them for you if you are not able to use the phone.

  • Yes, this is what I did and took to my GP last summer to get onto the waiting list.

  • Unfortunately my GP doesn't have an email address so I have no way of contacting them other than booking an appointment online, which means a 6-8 week wait. I do have an email for the autism service so I think I'll send them one. I just don't want to be blacklisted as overly demanding, as I already had to email them twice to correct info in the initial referral.

  • This is after spending 14 months on the waiting list. Other people I know who have been assessed by the same service seemed to get their diagnosis within a few weeks of receiving the forms.

  • I had the same issue, there was a time limit to return the forms by,  they also stated that if I wasn’t accepted then only my GP would be notified.  The forms had an email address on them and luckily I had photocopied them, I emailed the unit and was replied to within a day. I explained that I get anxious if I don’t know when something is going to happen, the return email said that they understand how I might feel, I had been accepted and gave me a date, the unit only assesses adults and doesn’t take on short notice appointments. The wait was 30 months but the date wouldn’t alter. I email every 6 months to make sure I’m still in the system and always get a swift reply, I shortly only have only one more email to send.

  • I can see now that I was very lucky. Mine was between 6 months to a year. 

  • I waited three years and with no one available to do the assessment, I tried RTC via Clinical Partners. Now on their waiting list. Might be something you want to look into.

  • If you can find an email address that might be a good idea but they aren’t often publicly published so their inbox doesn’t get overwhelmed. Maybe you could ask your GP to check on your behalf? The other thing to do in the future would be to use a tracked post service with proof of delivery

  • I wonder if they have an email that you can contact to find out if they have received your forms? 

    I received follow up forms from the adult autism team within a month to complete prior to assessment. 

  • 2 weeks? lol

    dude you will be waiting like 4 to 8 years for them to contact you back lol