Work And Health Programme

Hi all,
I'm currently writing up a complaint to the DWP / Reed in Partnership regarding the Work and Health Programme. I just wanted to encourage you all to share any upsetting experiences you've had with this programme to back up my point, and also to show you aren't alone if you're being treat awfully by the people in this programme.

You are also of course allowed to share positive experiences you have had if you want to! Please let me know if you don't want your messages mentioned or quoted in my complaint - I won't share anything you don't want me to. 

Thank you,

Angel Slight smile

  • Is the "Work and Health Programme" the latest Government scheme to help unemployed people into work?

  • They have quota of ten job interviews a month, their training is month long, and the have no plans to develop their service over the next two years. Essentially the business is just riding the clients (DWP) until the bubble bursts, as is everybody else, but on the plus side they do have talent in their ranks and if they are politically-savvy they can do a lot with the discretion they wield.

  • I joined in march, did okay until May, then my support manager got a new job. I was headhunted for the empty role twice, to falsely inflate the interview numbers of the workflow (confirmed by multiple sources), then given the replacement as a support manager (who was and order of magnitude less qualified than me).

    They forgot I existed for two months (long story short), then the replacement awol’d due to stress, I received a random call for a job club a month ago, now the replacement for the replacement is absent.

    So last week received another random call, after the job centre chased them up, I was told by an out of area guy to wait for a call next month and to get my act together in the mean time..  

    But overall they have been the most approachable and suitable organisation I have come across in seven years, which isn’t high praise, but is does give you an idea of where the industry’s standards are at. Though contacts in the job centre believe, that the work and health programme is a sinking ship (confirmed by multiple sources), which is why the talent is fleeing for the hills.