Burst of energy followed by a crash

Had a real burst of energy this week after making the decision to quit teaching. Felt like a new man and was able to do things I couldnt normally do. 
Now after having two occasions of socialising in two days I feel utterely burned out and crashing, like I cant do anything but sit in my pyjamas.
Does anyone else identify with this:?

  • I follow a pattern of extreme tiredness following too much activity, Then rest.  Then I'm ok a couple of hours later.

    On Saturday I did too much walking, I collapsed into bed at 5pm, totally exhausted, by 7pm I was feeling ok.

  • Hey Desmond, how did it go? Are you okay? Hope so...

  • Oh yes. I went on a work trip this week- my first since disclosing my autism diagnosis a couple of weeks ago- and despite the accommodations they arranged for me and the fact that I've been home since Friday evening I'm still exhausted.

  • Yup, one day I might feel motivated to do a lot of chores, work, etc and feel hyperproductive. Other days I don't wish to deal with the world at all - good luck getting any social interaction with me where I'm happy.

  • I hope you're ok Desmond

    Thinking of you x

  • Best of luck, will pray it turns out to be nothing bad. I got heart palpitations tonight too, I get them a lot but tonight was particulary bad.

  • I think thats exactly what happened

  • Yeah, weight gain always scares me with that kind if thing, she was on lithium and some other stuff I can't remember now. It's interesting you do tai-chi etc, my partner does a range of stuff, a lot of hard-core meditation, tai-chi and some other energy work, he's been doing it for about 30 years or so and couldn't manage without it. I can't meditate due to how my brain is wired up/damaged. It's good though that it helps you to cope.  Anything like that is a bonus as it's difficult to find anything that actually makes a difference.

  • I’m lucky I’ve got BP type II instead of the more extreme type I. Although I’m on antidepressants, which I was off and on for years before my two diagnoses anyway, my psychiatrist decided not to prescribe me a mood stabiliser because I enjoy my highs too much. Historically I was depressed maybe 90-95% of the time and manic the rest of the time but I have discovered that a combination of chanting, meditation and tai chi / chi Kung exercises increase the amount of time I spend manic and reduces the amount of time I feel depressed. Yes, some of the meds can be quite heavy and can have side effects including weight gain (no pun intended)

  • Best of luck, hope you don't have to wait too long for a callback then. And hope it's just a scare and nothing too serious.

  • A few of the questions the Nurse asked was to decipher if I'm at risk of a stroke.

    Waiting for the Doctor to phone.

  • What did they say? Did you manage to get anywhere with them? I get irregular heartbeat sometimes that feels like my heart is flip-flopping about and takes my breath away, I have 'ectopic beat' or something they told me??

  • I'm the same.

    Just had palpitations this evening, and called the out-of-hours Surgery.

  • Hey Taltunes Slight smile It's interesting you have BP too, how d'you cope? I used to have a friend with it, she was on some pretty heavy meds that made her feel flat.

  • maybe the decision to, as you put it quit teaching, created a kind of euphoria, like getting out of a thing you've felt trapped in/pressure cookered in. The only thing is that those kind of moments are usually followed by a crash back to earth when the reality kicks in and you have different pressures like 'ok, what now?' or whatever.

    You were probably already burnt out before but the euphoria took over for a bit.

  • Yes but in my case I’m bipolar as well as autistic. Is this just a one-off or does it happen a lot? Also do you think you are burned out because of the socialising you have been doing or because of all the other things you have been doing?

  • yes, some days feel manic, can't concentrate on anything and feel like I'm 'running hot' like an overheating engine, heart racing, adrenaline, jittery, tense, same stuff going round and round in my head, most other days, dread, struggling to get out of bed and everything is like fighting through treacle. Struggle to get anything done.

    High stress = you can't sit still, nothing is going in, conversations etc., everything is a blur, but there is stuff you have to deal with. Next minute - crash, can hardly move, feel like I could just keel over dead with exhaustion...!

  • Aww Billy I'm so sorry you're feeling burnt out

    I get how you feel though it happens to me a lot. I get some good days and feel high as a kite

    And then I crash back down and feel wrecked no energy and anxiety attacks.

    Make sure your kind to yourself and get all the rest you need ^^

    Your get another good day soon x