Modern Eugenics

I keep coming across nonautistic people who want to attempt another eugenics movement, all over clinical websites they're talking about eliminating disabled people from the human population with CRISPR. It's like a genetic version of racism, we could call it "geneticism". 

Modern pathology/psychiatry is clearly not a natural science anymore, it's more of an excuse to disallow disabled people to be born. 

Typical vs Atypical 

Neurotypical vs Neurodivergent 

The Neurodiversity Movement is exactly parallel to modern pathology/psychiatry showing modern pathology/psychiatry is the result of a political movement, The Eugenics Movement. 

Average = Normal = Social, all 3 terms are directly linked and social biology is just like the racist Eugenics Movement. 

When we look at the diagnostic criteria for all these "biological disorders" we see nothing but a list of social biases, nothing biological is included. This shows me everything is back to front, they label what they find "socially undesirable" symptoms, then place the blame on the genes. So these are not biological abnormalities, they are biological differences that make us socially disadvantaged.

After all, disability is contextual, not biological. 

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10, 10 ÷ 4 = 2.5

Not one original subject fits the average, today's pathology/psychiatry is based on statistical fiction, something that doesn't even exist. They have already selected who they want to terminate, how can we stop biotechnologists starting Eugenics Movement 2 for their social satisfaction? 

  • It is already been done. I remember when the doctors started offering amniocentesis and pre natal screening for Downs syndrome. In a few years, Down children number plummeted almost to zero. Draw your own conclusions, and try to imagine what would happen if doctors started screening for ASD, too. 

    BTW, I agree with both. Some lives are just too painful for living. Terminating such a pregnancy is an act of mercy and civilization. 

  • M8, I am happy for you, but for every one like you there are a million with a quality of life much lower than average. The "autistic genius" is largely a meme. Look at the members of this forum if you do not believe me! 

  • There is evidence that there are two genetic routes to being autistic. One is an, often de novo (not inherited) large-scale DNA disruption, stretches of DNA that are deleted, repeated or transposed (moved around). This usually results in profound problems and often intellectual disability. The other is that a person inherits a large number of common, small-scale (like single nucleotide replacements) autism-linked genetic variations that are found throughout the population at large. We know that some of these autism-linked genetic variants are also linked to high academic achievement, so are beneficial. Going through a substantial part of the human genome with CRISPR making huge numbers of very small changes would be difficult and expensive. It's not much of a threat. I think you may be projecting agendas on scientists that do not exist in reality.

    I worked for 34 years in molecular biology research (genetic engineering). I'm also autistic (diagnosed very late), married and have two intelligent, talented neurodivergent children (both got first class BSc degrees and one was top of her year). The scientific papers that I am an author of have been cited over 1,200 times. I do not think that it is in anyone's interest to expunge autism from the gene pool.

  • The genes they want to eliminate will cause premature extinction if eliminated. 

    The mutations associated with autism and other disabilities persist because they enhance the adaptability of the population as a whole, and accelerate the pace of evolution. As Charles Darwin said, it's not the biggest, strongest, most intelligent species that survives, it's the one most adaptable to change. 

    The less diverse a species becomes, the closer it is to extinction. Eliminating genetic diversity will only eliminate our adaptability. 

  • I found it impossible to have kids, went to great lengths to avoid a 'bun in the oven', the whole thing seems completely alien. I could barely look after myself!

  • well technically eugenics are naturally at play anyway.

    most of us who are autistic wont have friends and getting a romantic partner is 10000000% totally impossible anyway, so right away, we are out of the reproductive que and we wont have kids anyway. so this naturally happens anyway. they dont need to do anything just let life take its course.