Do you take the children to an initial GP appointment to discuss potential ASD.


I am a step-mum to 8-year-old boy/girl twins. My partner who is their father and their mum believe that they both display some signs of ASD and the girl potentially ADHD as a co-occurring condition. We have a GP appointment booked for later next month but can not agree on whether the children should be present for the initial appointment to talk to the GP about our concerns and the symptoms we have all witnessed. 

I know they should be involved if it goes further and have a right to be part of the conversations regarding their care, but my partner and I feel that for the first appointment, it should be the adults and to get guidance from the GP in the first instance, and not to have the children in earshot as it could upset them.

My question is not to undermine Mum, I would like to know so we can do what is best for the children. If that is taking them along, great we will do it. I am after some guidance and maybe other people's experiences on this, please. 

Thanks in advance. 

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you. 

    We were just worried about the actual first conversations with the GP and our observations and concerns etc, 

    We fully expected a 2nd GP visit with the children for the doctor to see them. The GP has been their GP since birth.

    How did you approach it with your child? if you do not mind me asking?

    The children are aware of the appointment and are upset that something is wrong with them! which is 100% not the case, if they have ASD they just see the world differently.